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General Help with mods

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I have a few problems, one being K-9 is invisible. I don't know how to fix this as I have no idea what mod he came from in the first place. Secondly I cannot for the life of me get Project beauty to work or have results of any kind. Any help would be appreciated
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Why bump this after only 27 minutes? That's just rude.


Anyway, the problem you're having with project beauty can have many causes. the first thing you should check is whether you've installed it correctly.

Also, could you post your load order please? Helping you will become a lot easier that way. :thumbsup:

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Why bump this after only 27 minutes? That's just rude.


Anyway, the problem you're having with project beauty can have many causes. the first thing you should check is whether you've installed it correctly.

Also, could you post your load order please? Helping you will become a lot easier that way. :thumbsup:

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I'm new to forums I haven't had the internet in years. And I also fixed my problem. Thanks for replying and sorry for being rude. I'm also sorry for simply copying your response. I'm tired.

Well, in that case, Welcome to the nexus forums!


If you feel like "introducing" yourself, see here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/forum/14-newbies


Oh, and thanks for explaining.

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