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A few questions

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Um, I've just started using the GECK, and I have a couple of basic questions...

If I'm working on a mod, and don't want to do it all in one sitting, or want to edit a mod, is there any way that I can save over a mod? All of mine are considered locked, and everytime I edit and old one and save it as new, it only saves any changes. I mean, it would be okay for like one or two edits, where I can just open them both, but I think it'll get annoying.

Do semi-auto guns not work automatic? I tried it with the unique 9mm pistol, and it would do the animation, but would only shoot semi...

Oh, and can you have turrents be active for only a set amount of time?


That's all for now. Please help me >.<

Edited by LucidDreaming
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On your first question, please make sure windows User Access Control is setup so that you can write files in your save directory. It sounds like your saved files are read-only. This is not a geck thing, it is a windows thing.

I tried, but it's still not working. It appears to save over the file, but nothing changes (it's not like they are locked or in use). Does it matter if there is no active fille?

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When you use some other program like Microsoft Word, and you save, then the file is updated with a new timestamp. Do you see that happening for Word? Do you see that happening for geck? If the timestamp is not updated, then no save is really happening. When you say the save is "not working", do you mean that you see no changes in game? Some modders have reported this behavior when they have updated geck to version 1.3 but not updated the game to version 1.3.
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....now the geck won't open any files. I downloaded the latest patch, as you said, the one from april, and now it won't load any files. When I try, and I click open, it responds the same as if I pressed cancel. Nothing happens. Somehow, I think that this problem is a little worse. What do I do? Edited by LucidDreaming
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  • 4 weeks later...
On my system, W7-64, frequently I had save issues caused by R/W flipping; so I always run, when I can, everthing as Administrator. The problem is that with the GECK and NVSE, how do you run this as Administrator. Also, I found that frequently when editing a script, the script type is changed and then the script is lost -- fix: reload GECK and be more careful; or the edited script will not save. I found that I could save the script by loading it from the attached quest, npc, weapon or armor except now I have a problem with an attached script (NVSE) to a fake piece of armor that I cannot alter and save.
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