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pipboy glow


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I hate the green glow that is always coming from the pipboy

I'm not talking abot the flash light that lights up after a long push on tha TAB key

the little green screen is bothering me and locks ugly when i'm using the RCSS


if someone can give me amos that removs he glow in third-person view

or somthing that will change the glow to blue i will be grateful



sorry abut the bad english

Edited by dranzer14
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That mod changes the lit-up area to blue (or red or amber) but in third person the pipboy itself still looks like its glowing green. I recall using a mod in FO3 that made it look in third person like the pipboy was glowing blue (I think it was this one - small thing, but actually pretty cool), but haven't found anything similar for FONV.
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That mod changes the lit-up area to blue (or red or amber) but in third person the pipboy itself still looks like its glowing green. I recall using a mod in FO3 that made it look in third person like the pipboy was glowing blue (I think it was this one - small thing, but actually pretty cool), but haven't found anything similar for FONV.



Thank you!

its just what i was looking for

now the screen is blue and its glowin only when i'm lighting up the flashlight!

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Thank you!

its just what i was looking for

now the screen is blue and its glowin only when i'm lighting up the flashlight!


Lol, no, thank you... didn't even think to try a FO3 mod for NV but it works perfectly, and works nicely in conjunction with the mod bethjunkie kindly pointed out for totally stylin' max illumination. Cool stuff!

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