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Sims 2 Hair Conversion Request


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Nevermind! Don't reply to this for two reasons: 1. I failed to realise this is a PRIVATE USE ONLY MOD, which means that no one would be able to help me, (even though imo that'd still be pretty private, oh well, hahah.) and 2: I got it to work~ c: I suppose I'll leave the link and pictures up if you should want to try it yourself. Good luck!


b]First off I'd like to state that I'm not 100% sure I'm allowed to post these download links, if I'm not allowed, please tell me and I'll remove them immediately.[/b]


Although in the readme of both of these files the author says it's fine to use these for personal use. (Which is what I want to do.) I'm a total blender newb, I found a tutorial and used it through trying to convert these, only to end up with glitches I can't even comprehend how they happened, a couple are: when I load them in-game my characters have no bodies, or all ears are missing. ._. I'm afraid of trying anymore, hahah.

These are from xm sims, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the download from the site, so I'll post the links I made myself:







I fell in love with these hairs the instant I saw them, and I would LOVE anyone who could help me out with these forever! xD

Edited by HelloStranger
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Converting for your own personal use is one thing, but if someone converted- or ported- Sims content they would not be able to distribute them on the Nexus so it wouldn't do you any good. Making hairs from scratch that look just like the examples you posted is ok, however. Just letting you know.



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Converting for your own personal use is one thing, but if someone converted- or ported- Sims content they would not be able to distribute them on the Nexus so it wouldn't do you any good. Making hairs from scratch that look just like the examples you posted is ok, however. Just letting you know.



I'm a bit groggy and I'm hoping I understood your post correctly, hahah! (I need an energy drink. xD) Are you saying that no one is allowed to help me out with this? Curious, because I've seen Sims conversion requests before on here, and if I'm not mistaken there's several Sims hairs in circulation in races around on the website. (E.G. Moonshadow elves and I think the Bloodelves on the front page atm has some in it) I had been more worried about posting the download links, as I hadn't seen that in the other threads about this kind of thing I peeked at before posting this to see if it was ok. (I'm not sure how anyone that would be interested in helping me out would get ahold of the file any other way though, without digging around a bit. I'm aware some websites are not ok to post, wasn't sure if xm sims was one.) OH and I forgot to mention these are hairs made by modders, not by the original game creators, if that matters.


Please forgive my confused-ness, even though I've had my account here for a long while, I'm very new to the forums and rules, so if I'm mistaken in thinking that Sims conversions isn't taboo like most other things of this nature, please do let me know!

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Let me try and break it down a bit.


If the hairs are original hairs from the Sims 2 game, then they are copyright the developers of the game and you cannot directly convert them and remain legal. You cannot upload those on the Nexus. You could, however, create your own version from scratch rather than importing the original hair meshes, and you CAN upload those to the Nexus.


If they are custom hairs developed by an independent modder for Sims 2, and the modder has given permission for them to be converted to other games FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY, you cannot upload those on the Nexus. You could, however, create your own version from scratch rather than importing the original hair meshes, and you CAN upload those to the Nexus.


If they are custom hairs developed by an independent modder for Sims 2, and the modder has given permission for them to be converted to other games AND DISTRIBUTED, you CAN upload those on the Nexus, but the site owner may wish to check the permission from the modder first.


Hopefully that's a simple enough summary.

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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Let me try and break it down a bit.


If the hairs are original hairs from the Sims 2 game, then they are copyright the developers of the game and you cannot directly convert them and remain legal. You cannot upload those on the Nexus. You could, however, create your own version from scratch rather than importing the original hair meshes, and you CAN upload those to the Nexus.


If they are custom hairs developed by an independent modder for Sims 2, and the modder has given permission for them to be converted to other games FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY, you cannot upload those on the Nexus. You could, however, create your own version from scratch rather than importing the original hair meshes, and you CAN upload those to the Nexus.


If they are custom hairs developed by an independent modder for Sims 2, and the modder has given permission for them to be converted to other games AND DISTRIBUTED, you CAN upload those on the Nexus, but the site owner may wish to check the permission from the modder first.


Hopefully that's a simple enough summary.


Ah, thank you! That does help. The phrasing had been confusing me. xD The hairs I have here fall into the second category. So I have two reasons to close this thread now. 1: Because of no one being able to help, and 2: Because I got it to work! c:


My uv-mapping skills needs work, and I'm but I'm so happy I found out what I was doing wrong. Turns out way back in the tutorial I didn't click the button from the exact menu it wanted, I had thought it was because she had a different version than me, but it turns out she has the same one! My blender is buggy and the menu never came up, so I clicked something similar thinking that would have the same effect. Eventually I was able to get the menu to come up, and everything was smooth sailing after that. Still no idea how me forgetting to replace the material killed ears and bodies, though. xD

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Ears are not part of the head, they are separate - there's probably something buried deep in a tutorial someplace that covers it.
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