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What could be causing this?


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Yikes. That's usually one of the symptoms of a dying video card, though it can be caused by overheating as well. If your computer is near any vents for your central heating/air, you could try relocating it. Also if you have an air compressor (or you can go buy a can of compressed air), give your computer a good blow-out to clear out all your fans (just unplug any connected to the motherboard first). You can do that with the extension hose on your vacuum cleaner too, but be really careful with it!


Especially check the video card for dust build-up in the fans and heatsink fins because they can get super clogged and it's really gross. Depending on what card you have, you can find decent write-ups on how to give it a really good cleaning, including replacing the thermal paste if needed. Whatever you do though, remove the card from your computer entirely before going at it.


Actually, if you do want to try cleaning everything, you may want to watch some videos on how to do so first, especially if you've never done it before.

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