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Looking for people who know how to make places and/or simple quest scripts in CK


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I'm making a follower mod which has its own story, with >1000 lines already and ~3000 estimated total lines in the final product.

However, I have difficulties in making places (and placing objects, navmeshing, lighting and everything about places) and quest scripts that makes actors do simple actions. Any help on these 2 subjects would be much appreciated.

Currently, I need a unique worldspace that has:
1. a small village with around 5-6 farmhouses, plus a non-functional inn
2. a simple cave with the Eye of Magnus floating on the ground

The space is a basin surrounded by snowy mountains, and the total area is about that of 2 Riverwood.

I also need a tower in the worldspace, but it shouldn't be seen normally (i.e. blocked by high mountains or out of the basin).

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