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Global List?


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Is it possible to make a sort of global string that can be saved permanently to the save file?


What I wish to do is make a list people people the player has killed and how, then have it displayed in a note somewhere. (This is an example, my real mod has slightly different plans)


Anyone know if it's possible and how to get started?

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It would be possible to accomplish through scripting, but you would need to use OBSE commands if you want to keep from having to generate several hundred copies of the same note for every possible combination of dead NPCs there would be. At least, I think so, as I do not think the base game allows for modification of book text on runtime.


But the gist of the script would look like this:


begin gameMode

if myNPC1.getdead == 1
;modify the note's text to add her name to it here.
elseif myNPC2.getdead == 1
;modify the note's text to add her name to it here.
elseif myNPC3.getdead == 1
;modify the note's text to add her name to it here.

;and so on, until you reach the end of the list.




Pretty simple, but again, OBSE and possibly MenuQue would be needed to be able to do this this way.


Not sure about the how part, but you can definitely keep track of the NPCs that have been killed.

Edited by Thomas Kaira
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The problem I was having wasn't with the script to add it, but how to add it.


Myabe I will try a new example:

A spell that steals peoples souls, kills them, then adds their name to a book that is at your home.


I can easily make a spell that kills someone and put the code to add it in, but I don't know what to add it to to make it show up in the book.


Get what I mean? Not explaining it as well as I could, but the idea is it works on random NPCs (even unnamed)


In otherwords:

";modify the note's text to add her name to it here."

Is that part I don't know how to do.

Keeping in mind it may not be in the same cell as the dead NPCs.


PS: I am fine with using OBSE

Edited by AmeaAya
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There's a mod called Note to Self that allows the player to keep a fully editable journal. I'm sure if you looked at the code for it you'll be able to figure out how to adapt that to your needs.


Thanks for the heads up, will check and out and see if I can work it out.




I can't for the list of my figure out the syntax for adding:

"[name] - Deceased [line break]" to the quest's string_var...


Figured it out.

Edited by AmeaAya
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