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script or method to change height of npc


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i need to change the height of a character or race for done a mod, i've try whit race, skeleton, nif or whit fo4edit but nothing good happen, i just done it whit the console command "setscale" but that not's be good to a mod.

if someone can make a script to make a command like "setscale" to an enchant in-game or say how do that that was really be great. ^^

Edited by darklynxxx
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setScale <int> – Set the scale of an item in game. It's usually required to "disable" then "enable" the item for the new scaling to fully take place.

  • Warning: Using this command to change your character's size while wearing power armor may cause you to lose all equipped armor and clothing as well as your Pip-Boy, which cannot be recovered by any known means other than loading a previous save.
  • Note: Be careful when using setscale to large numbers like 10. You may seem big and powerful, but a very small drop-off (in comparison to your size) will be fatal. Cliffs look very tiny from 50 feet up, but still kill you as if you were normal size. Additionally cells will still only load as if you were normal size, and moving through un-spawned cells can crash the game. It is suggested to use the no-clip command tcl to prevent falling
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