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Everything posted by darklynxxx

  1. i have a close idea, make a mod to turn the game like a "walking dead" world. replace all the ennemies by zombies, except humans, supermutant (a military vaccin turn bad), infected dogs. (no boss or legendary) keep the radiation system but rename it infection, and need antibiotic to be heal. make raiders and SM use more hand to hand weapon and less guns. make the guns rare and bullets hard to find or craft. primary needs eat, heal, sleep. ambiance more dark, creepy. ...
  2. hi, i made a mod whit an big npc, i have increase it's size but the hitbox stay at the same size, then the player can pass through it. http://i.imgur.com/47PkJvX.jpg i have search how to edit the hitbox on the net and by myself but i dont find. if someone know how fix this collision problem, please let me know. ^^'
  3. i dont test it but i see somethiing about that in the ck... http://i.imgur.com/qCKKA9f.jpg
  4. ok, i dont know how, may be an update but the midlle part appear now.
  5. hi, i make a mod for automatron (armor for assaultron) but i have a problem whit middle part (legs) i can craft and equip it but the 3D meshes doesnt appear (the middles legs parts for the others models than assaultron work fine), it's a bug from bethesda, or just in my game? i reinstall the game and just let the dlc active but the bug persist. if someone know how fix that, please let me know. ^^ http://i.imgur.com/q962KAd.png
  6. thanks for the details, i take note but that not really concern my mod, then i just want change the height of an npc (who can't take an power armor).
  7. hi, i need to change the height of a character or race for done a mod, i've try whit race, skeleton, nif or whit fo4edit but nothing good happen, i just done it whit the console command "setscale" but that not's be good to a mod. if someone can make a script to make a command like "setscale" to an enchant in-game or say how do that that was really be great. ^^
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