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UIO and FCO won't work please help!


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I still don't see NVSE.log and I just launched the game through nvse_loader and the exclamation points were still there

Then your NVSE is not installed correctly or you are not recognizing the file. Did you get your Windows Explorer to display file extensions?


Check the downloaded NVSE archive file for the version, which should be v5.0 Beta3.


1. Unpack the entire archive somewhere else, which will create a "nvse_5_0_beta3" folder.

2. Drag everything in the "nvse_5_0_beta3" folder (except for the "src" folder which is not needed) into the "<install path>\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas" folder. (You do NOT want the "nvse_5_0_beta3" folder in the "Fallout New Vegas" folder.)

That should create the "Data\nvse" folder and it's initial contents: "nvse_config.testAnim" and "TestAnim.txt". (Though mine no longer has those two files even though they are in the archive, so they may get removed at some point.)

3. Then you may need to re-install any mods that need NVSE, so they can place their plugins in the correct folder. The first such mod that adds a plugin will create the "plugins" folder under the "Data\nvse" path. If you do not have any mods that have NVSE Plugins, then I suggest you at least install "FNV Stutter Remover", which puts a DLL, INI, and TXT file there.

4. Now try running the NVSE_Launcher.



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Not likely. I use Beta 3 because some mods require the later functions it provides. Came to FNV too late to even bother with any earlier versions. The only reason you don't get an "NVSE.log" file I am aware of is because it is not installed or launched correctly. It doesn't get "used" until some mod accesses it's DLL, but that shouldn't stop it from initializing (hooking into the game) and creating a basic log.


NVSE is a "library" of code. It does nothing on it's own. It simply provides "additional functionality" that other mod's scripts can use. It just sits idle until a script calls for a function it supplies. Which is why there are other such libraries that expand upon it's functions: JIP & Lutana that I am aware of, and they require NVSE be installed as a base.


Hmm. I haven't asked this before, but do you have the game installed in the default "C:\Program Files" folder tree? This is the single biggest cause of wierd problems people have with games. See the "Installing Games on Windows Vista+" article in my signature.



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