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MartsMonsterMod doesn't allow Beautiful People or Rens to work


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Ren's works fine for me with MMM. Try using Wrye Bash and building a Bashed Patch. When building, check everything in the Import options with a mod associated with it. Also check the Race Records and the mods it lists. The last one can get multiple cosmetic mods working together.


When using a Bashed Patch, import and disable mods with the NoMerge and Deactivate tags. You can use the mod checker to easily find which mods need to be disabled.

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samduhuman, you will need a merger mod...Wrye Bash...to merge those race records into a more compatible form.

Wrye Bash


Download and install Wrye Python 03A FIRST!!!! <----first

Download and install Wyre Bashed 291 next


There is a good pictorial here: alt3rn1t's Pictorial on the Nexus


Be sure you have the KT Custom Race Fix higher in load order than Ren's and all other race packs. Be aware that not all race packs are mergable. Some make NEW and don't change old, those are likely not to get merged and a load order issue will be the culprit. Hope this helps.

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