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what is nonaccum

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What would happen if animation adjusted the wrong bone for the task? I know you should never Z-rot bip01 and bip01nonaccum, but otherwise. Could it somehow misalign the character?


In my kf experiments I've had moments where my character had become 'misaligned' after playing an animation.


Sorry if my questions aren't very clever.

Edited by Ultimatepurge
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With Blender animations there are no unclever questions, only strange experiences... and only few ever run into them :)


I know that there are cases where the bone rotation change simply doesn't show. I don't know if this is always the case. I never try these things on purpose, always happy if I can make something work.


About this 'misalign': its hard to tell just by this one word. Which animation? which effect? have you finally solved it?

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Well basically it seems I had moved one of these three bones 'illegally', so to say. What happened after trying to reset the animation was that subsequent animations would be misaligned.

So the character would float a bit off from the ground. This was the case with some of my earliest animations that I made a few months back. No matter what I tried, I could not get the character to lose this misalignment and you had to pick an earlier save to get rid of it.

It was an animation where I had keyed every single bone with "loc rot". Not a good idea, I think.


So me, as a mod maker would really not like to make a mistake where peoples characters get bugged. That'd be awful.


Also thank you for replying and understanding my bad english.

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Very interesting finding. Never hear of something like that before, but I can imagine that this is possible. Probably a good point for the Wiki article, if you will ever run into this again and can verify the cause.


Doing "loc rot"s is not bad, Blender will only use those values which you have changed. So if you havn't changed the location, "loc rot" is equivalent to simply "rot".


And don't worry about mistakes. Animation bugs are usually very apparent. And mod users are very forgiving ... as long as you support them. :thumbsup:

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