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Everything is flashing/dissapearing/going blue


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Ok everyone, I bought Morrowind yesterday for 15$ and when I got home, installed it, updated it, loaded it....here's what happened..


So you are inside the boat at the beginning, right ? But the guy's arm in front of me kept on dissapearing and reappearing, it was flashing, his hair too, and his legs, and the crates all around me also...When the guard arrived I thought he would make it all stop but man, he did'nt do anything to help me as his head was going bald and hairy again in matters of miliseconds.....


Also when I went up the stairs I still could see the green guy downstairs standing there, waiting for a miracle or something. It was all blue around him...It was like a behind-the-scene scene from Star Wars you know.


So how can I fix this, does anyone know ? I have a ATI All in wonder 32mb. Windows ME. PIII 866. Oh yeah.



Thank you




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Well first off your running windows ME the worst windows OS ever made, and secondly your video card is not the greatest. about the only thing you can really do without spending some money is upgrade your drivers and get all the updates for windows, and then try running the game at the lowest settings possible.
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Congrats! :D Though I'm honestly surprised that it runs on such a low grade system at all!


Anyway, since question has been answered, locked. :P

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