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Where to start?

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Lol, well, Good morning. Wasn't expecting a reply (European?)


No, just nocturnal. I'm mostly an evening person.


Actually....English is the pirates tongue :D The Spanish is just used in movies because it sounds mysterious to us (unless you speak Spanish of course lol)


My setting isn't Earth, of course. Reason I picked Spanish is kind of involved in terms of my setting's lore, but basically the Sailor's Tongue had its origins in deserters from a pair of nations that have been waging a mostly-naval war on and off for literally thousands of years. Those nations spoke Romance languages, so Spanish seemed like a good fit for a language that broke off and mutated from that.


If you had quoted Star Trek I may have got it but Star Wars is way over my head >.< Always hated it!


I just mean a basic overview of the plot like what the Star Wars movies have at the beginning with the scrolling yellow text. Y'know basic "here's where we are, here's the major players involved, here's a vague allusion to what it's building to." Nothing specific or what could be called a storyline, more like a step or two past an elevator pitch.

Edited by Drakevarg
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When I make a mod I usually start with a mesh. I'll make a new sword or a building or something then have my son write up a story around whatever it is I meshed lol (he's an English teacher so his grammmmer and speilling is botter than min) (OH and my imagination is bobbins :D)


From his rough and basic dialogue I can usually throw out side quests and add a little humour which seems to work.


The current mod I'm doing consists of murders and drug crimes which are discussed daily over dinner (kind of a meeting if you like) and new ideas (away from the keyboard) can be thrown together (over beer of course).


In this type of game dialogue is key. That is where Skyrim and Oblivion fail. Too many sound bites by the actors and not enough variation. If I change my script in dialogue at any time I can change it without running off to a microphone and getting people to act out the scene. Money no object!


I also think learning when something is good enough is the smart way. I've worked with people that will change a greeting 700 times and the damn thing never moves on.

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Hiring VAs before the dialogue is finished sounds incredibly short-sighted to me. Because as you say, plans change. Sometimes what seemed like a good idea on the first draft sounds utterly stilted on a later reading, and entire subplots are cut out or added. Text is easy to change, voice recordings notsomuch.


Since I'm a writer at heart, my mod is definitely going to be story first assets as needed, with a middle ground as pragmatism demands. My current plan is finish the map overview plan > base the faction war questlines around the geography > figure out a main plot > fill in the blanks for the rest as seems most organic. Once I do that I should have something I would be willing to define was a "storyboard" instead of a "blurb."

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Never released it as it was solely for my wife to play. I just found it and played it myself now I've forgotten everything and it felt bloody good..... tempted to remake it all again lol but not for her laptop!

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Sounds like it could be a fun project. Maybe try to find some kind of middle ground that keeps a bit more of the classic look?


As a side note, finally came up with a rough region map for my island. Open to change as the project is developed obviously, but it's a starting point:



Brown = Mountain

Grey = Cliffs

Dark Green = Marshy

Light Green = Grasslands

Yellow = Desert

Tan = Beachfront


The world at the time the game takes place is recovering from a global volcanic apocalypse (sort of - more like divine wrath in the form of a mountain-sized dragon, but similar results), resulting in a tiny population and massive desertification. Anyway, the important take-away is that my map isn't just a vague white blob and it'll be much easier to figure out what everyone is doing now.

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Um. You do know the lore behind Morrowind don't you?


Red mountain erupts and destroys what you know as Morrowind leaving it like a " global volcanic apocalypse"


Unfortunately for your purposes it is rebuilt.

Edited by RubberMan01
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