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Where is the Show Pip-Boy function?


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First, a shoutout to all the hard working modders out there. Spend all day reading files, learning code, doing stuff? You deserve a cold one.


I improved my workspace to search psc, pas, and swf files. Still, there's a bit of haystack combing and frustration at not being able to find something. Especially when I don't know the syntax of what I'm looking for.


There was a mod request to bring up power armor HUD instead of the Pip-Boy, regardless of whether power armor is worn or not ( http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3874670-i-need-a-simple-mod-that-removes-the-pip-boy/ ). Has anyone found where the game brings up the Pip-Boy? I'm guessing there is a condition check for IsInPowerArmor(), then the game launches PipboyMenu.swf or PowerArmorHUDMenu.swf.


Am I way off target here? There are calls to IsInPowerArmor() in actor.psc and haircutscript.psc. I haven't wrapped my head around the HasPerk line yet.




bool Function IsInPowerArmor()

return Self.HasPerk(Game.GetFormFromFile(129193, "Fallout4.esm") as Perk)





Actor PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer()

[..] ElseIf (PlayerREF.IsInPowerArmor()) // can't sit down in barber chair

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TLDR: I don't know anything about hkx animation files. (Actors\Character\_1stPerson\Behaviors\Pipboy.hkx)


Issue update:


The game checks whether player has perk "PowerArmorPerk" [PERK: 0001F8A9] when showing the Pip-Boy. I copied powerArmorHUD (00022D04) as override in FO4Edit and removed the HasPerk condition. (Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/fZgJlQl.png ) The end result was:


- When not in power armor, the "Stimpack (button) Radaway (button)" bottom bar appeared when accessing Pip-Boy. The rest of the Pip-Boy was invisible or didn't draw.


- When in power armor, bringing up the Pip-Boy screen worked fine as it does in the vanilla game.


Another option would be to give player the PowerArmorPerk via file or console. I didn't try that because there are 171 references to PowerArmorPerk, including NPC reactions and the assigning of weight and fall damage negation. (Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/PZ4OZGk.png ) In short, adding the perk just to remove the vanilla Pip-Boy HUD would introduce a slew of unwanted side effects during gameplay.


All of the relevant Pip-Boy entries list Actors\Character\_1stPerson\Behaviors\Pipboy.hkx as the (animation file?). I don't know if that's where one would go to make the changes, but again, things got complicated fast.


Posting the info in case a modder finds it useful and wants to do something with it.


Edit: For more rabbit hole diving, check out PipboyInspect [iDLE:00042D83] > ActionPipboyInspect [AACT:00042D82] > Default Object Manager [DOBJ:00000800] . Also, what if PowerArmorPerk was granted when opening the Pip-Boy, then removed when closing it? Idk if that's a possibility or if there would be any issues. Just thinking out loud.

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I was thinking there are multiple (layers?) to the Pip-Boy animation, since only the bottom bar showed up on my test. Then this happened today when I was hit by a (gamma?) round. Seems to confirm the multi-layer theory. Thoughts?



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2years.... later, i just started modding a few days ago. Just started playing fallout ; 2..3 weeks ago now. Looks like im a bit late for one of the best games out there. I think i've taken it just slightly further than this. Nice to see I'm on the right track. Got stuck, found this. It's all started one day........I decided I wanted my character to have explosive vents and couple other power armor abilities no not one mofo on the block has figured this shite out! I can see why now though but its doable., I like pip menu...the pipboy is a cool idea abit outdated but to be so locked into it just sucks! So my first order of business is to make new animations for the pipboy, I'm thinking a coin that you flip and it just turns into a HUD like the PA but better... and a new script that allows you to either tie the pipboy and hud to an objmod or maybe a toggle button that lets yous witch between the two huds..idk. possibilities are endless. doubt ill get any help so ill just do it for the props...and the vents ;).

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