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Drawing a Box


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I'm trying to figure out how to draw a simple rectangle.


I started by trying to make a UIBGBox:


				GrimyBox1 = Spawn(class'UIBGBox', self);
				GrimyBox1.SetSize(5 * (GrimyHitChance - GrimyCritChance),20);

				GrimyBox2 = Spawn(class'UIBGBox', self);
				GrimyBox2.SetPosition(-250 + 5 * (GrimyHitChance - GrimyCritChance - GrimyDodgeChance),400);
				GrimyBox2.SetSize(5 * GrimyCritChance,20);
The above code will draw box1, but will not draw box2.

If I comment out the code for box1, box2 will appear.


I don't understand why these two are mutually exclusive.


I tried using UIPanel instead of UIBGBox, but nothing appears.


has anyone else experimented with UI elements yet?

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My hunch is that it's because both boxes are given the same name - "BGBoxSimple". Try either naming them separately, or not at all (the name is an optional variable, the default is to have the engine generate a unique name). Try that and see what happens.

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MachDelta is correct

simulated function UIBGBox InitBG(optional name InitName, optional float InitX, optional float InitY, optional float InitWidth, optional float InitHeight, optional EUIState InitColorState = eUIState_Faded)

While the name IS optional, meaning the function does not require it to create an object, having two objects with the same name will not work, because this is how a UIPanel is accessed. Most likely the code throws out panel two because the initialization fails to create a new object(one already exists). Changing the name 'should' resolve your issue, and would be good practice, as you should never have two objects named the same.

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