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CTD just for quest objectives?

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So earlier, I was doing a quest for The Golden Crest, completed an objective, went outside the cave and fast travelled to where my next objective would be. Crashed upon a few seconds of loading and hearing the BING sound when a quest update occurs. Since I have had this problem before, I thought it was just something wrong with Oblivion. I uninstalled, re-installed, spent two hours installing mods and making sure it wasn't one of them breaking the game. Sorted them out in the load order according to BOSS and common sense, loaded, got through fine for one objective. Went to fast travel back to the cave, quest update sound, crash. Thinking I could be logical, I decide not to fast travel, get to the first objective fine, then go back to complete the objective, without fast travelling, and hear that dreaded quest update sound and crash again.


Sorry if this post doesn't quite make sense, I'm bad with wording my problems. But, does anyone know the problem?

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Best way to figure out what's causing the crash is to disable all your mods and then reactivate them one-by-one until the crash happens. Then you'll know which mod is causing the problem. I have never heard of this problem, so I apologize for not being able to help you out more.
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Thanks for the advice though. It's strange, because this hasn't happened before, and I haven't added any new mods. It seems to now crash when my above statement happens, or when I ever sleep/wait/fast travel. I've read around and seen that it's usually caused by corrupted saves, but all of my earlier saves have this same problem as well. Perhaps it's time to start a new game or abandon hope?
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