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Favourite Lines


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Wow. Haven't posted on here since... I don't know when.


Anyway, I'm replaying Oblivion and I noticed that some of the NPCs' quotes really stick with you. For example: Lucien Lachance's response when you ask him about rumors ("Dear Brother/Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.") and Ulrich Leland's (Cheydinhal's [corrupted] guard captain) "I don't know you, and I don't care to know you."


And also: "I've fought Mudcrabs tougher than you!"




So what's your favourite quotes from the world of Oblivion?

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The orc in the DB Sanctuary: "You know, Home is where you hang your enemys Head!"


Standard infight ranting: "You move like a pregnant Cow!"

"Why wont you die?!?"


Standard NPC when beeing hit by me while i am invisible: "Hum? Must have been the Wind..."

If two NPCs are talking to each other and you kill one of them while beeing invisible, the other NPC will probably say this :D or maybe "I better cut down on the Ale, starting to see Things, i am..."


Oh Wait, i forgot the Blademaster of the Arena =)


"That old Hag over there is Ysabell, the Battle Matron. Shes dear to me, so if you wrong her in any Way, ill rip your damn Liver out!"

"So you Won! what do you want from me, a Hug?"

"Get up there and try not to die before the Gate opens!"

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"Piss off!" - Ulrich Leland


For some reason, I like to hear Dark Seducers say "Aetar Mazken!". Must be their tone.


"Kyn and Valkyn!" from Dremora.


"You do realize I was holding back!" from Redguards, especially when I kill them in the next hit.


"You're a traitor to your own race!" when the elf that says it attacks his comrades (or would it be Nords who attack their Komrades?).


That's all I can think of right now.

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You pleased the Madgod! You must be so proud of yourself. I, for one, would still like to EAT YOUR EYES! But— good for you.


Hehehe, he's my new favourite NPC.




"Well, look who's here! It's YOU! How 'bout that."


"Ta! Come visit again! OR I'LL PLUCK YOUR EYES OUT."


"...I'm so happy, I could rip out your intestines and strangle you with them!"


"Oh! Brain pie! Perfect! ...Care to donate?"


"...and out come the intestines! And I skip rope with them!"



And his chamberlain, Haskill:


"Enlightening, as always."


"Always a pleasure."










When you become Lord of the Shivering Isles, go back to Cyrodiil, and try to do Sheogorath's Shrine quest, Haskill speaks to you:


"Praying to yourself, my Lord? I suppose that's understandable... Prince of Madness and all."







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