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Skyrim-A City/Quest Mod-Collaborative Proposal


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I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, if it's not I'd ask the moderators to move it to the appropriate form.


So I'm going to preface this and say that I've never made a full and completed mod before (I know what a great way to start off). I have however taught myself the fundamentals of the Creation Kit and it is quite a powerful tool. I'd love to learn more, and I believe the best way to learn is to have real experience. So I'd like to make a proposal to anyone willing to listen...whether you are a new comer to modding, or a veteran. The only requirement is a willingness to collaborate, a willingness to have fun, and a small amount of time dedicated to the project. I have a great Idea...But I would not be just the idea man. I'll put in as much work and effort into the project as possible and is needed. I'll pick up the slack where needed and help keep things organized and functioning while also working with the team on things that need to be adjusted.




The Proposal:


Imagine a grand city, it's beautiful, vibrant, lush and full of exciting new people and a mix of cultures with a host of new lore and land marks to discover. Endless possibilities Imagine a journey that takes you on a grand quest to solve a big mystery and ends with you as the leader of that same beautiful city. A great big castle with more rooms than you can count on two hands, filled with servants waiting on you night and day, the finest wine, the best cut meat, and while you may have to address some concerns of the peasantry, you live the good life...


That is what the mod would aim to achieve. An expansion that rewards you for being none other than the Dragonborn and saving the world from the death jaws of Alduin The World Eater.





The nitty gritty of this can be hashed out further once things start moving forward, and this mod would be very malleable. Meaning that things can change over time. While I have a specific idea for the layout and design of the city, This all can be changed and modified with better ideas. That's the best part of an idea, it can be changed and be expanded upon to be better. I don't want to go into too much detail now, I'd feel more comfortable discussing the full details with interested parties in private.



What Am I Looking For?


Anyone willing to put some extra work into making this project happen. If you are new to modding, or never have even touched the creation kit, that's fine and don't let it intimidate you, it's actually a lot of fun, I can impart as much knowledge as I can but I know of a lot great resources that can help guide you and start you on the right path. If you are a experienced modder and you are interested great!, All I ask is for patience, to listen to some of my ideas, to take them into consideration and help me if needed. I am looking for individuals with interest and/or skills in Landscaping, Exterior Design, Interior Design, Dungeon Design, Scripting using Papyrus and Quest/Lore creation. Even if you identify with just one of those, that's fantastic and I'd love to work with you.




Now you may think...working with a team is risky, it'd be easier to do it on your own, and group projects like this rarely succeed. That's why I'm willing to address any concerns you may have, I'll answer honestly and truthfully. No BS...pardon my french =). Ask me down below in a post or you can PM on here as well. I'm willing to set up meetings and have one on one discussions with the platform of your choosing..(I'll be doing this with those who are on board as well.) You can also email my personal email, which I'll provide down below. I'll do everything in my power to ensure that working on this endeavor would result in something we can all be proud of with completion. and who knows, maybe when all is said and done, we'll enjoy working together so much that we can perhaps work on a more mods for Skyrim, create a mod Fallout 4 or a future Elder Scrolls Game. I believe that even if the mod doesn't get completed then the experience will still be valuable. Please don't hesitate to ask questions or to contact me, I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a pleasant, afternoon, day or night.



My personal Email is:


[email protected]

Edited by BlueKrait13
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