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Logitech G19

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Here goes another Y/N from me. I found a G19 on the Logitech Shop on Ebay for a decent price of $185 (free shipping).

Is it good? Should I get one?


BTW, I would prefer no answers like 'No, you should get THIS one instead!!11'. I want to know a simple Y/N, and the reason for your choice.


EDIT: Link to sale: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Logitech-G19-Gaming-Keyboard-Free-Delivery-/110693104808?pt=AU_Input_Peripherals&hash=item19c5d2bca8

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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I would TOTALLY..not buy that. The G19 is like 130-150€ here, 150€ is about 214 USD, 200 AUS.

Even if that was half the normal price I wouldn't buy it since there's lots of other things to buy with that sort of money.

I have yet to come across a keyboard with such features that I would pay more than 100€ for. But of course I don't know too much about the G19 but I doubt it would be too different.

Mice, on the other hand... or shall I say RATs? :D


I say nay

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I had the image of G15 having that too, only being a bit cheaper. Don't know if it's cheaper or not but just a guess


E: Now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind paying that money for it. Not in my situation atm, with my money, but if I had money to buy something computer-related, then I might actually buy it. I'd still rather get the G15 which would probably be cheaper


From a thread on overclock.net:

"G15 has an LCD + Orange Leds and its smaller + cost cheaper does what its supposed to just like the G19.


G19 has a color LCD with multi color back-lighting with more macro keys and is a little bigger + cost more."

Edited by Nysba
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i bought it. 2 hours ago i bought it. i gave into a 'want' situation i guess :facepalm:


But the good part is, I bought it 2 hours ago, and just got an email from the store saying that they shipped it just then. By Air Mail. In the state less then 3 hours drive away.


In other words, theres a 90% chance it'll be at my door tomorrow :happy:


EDIT: The price went down to the $140's on a promo sale, and because it was within 24 hours of sale, they refunded the gap. Awesome! :biggrin:

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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