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The Thread of Computers (aka will my computer run Skyrim)


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Oh, great! So you mean if I get a GPU 6850, and if I've understood you correctly, I'll be able to run Skyrim on max if I only upgrade my GPU?


Yes, you only need a better GPU. I got a Sapphire 6870 right now (A bit more powerful then the 6850), it's dominating every game on the market.



Witcher 2, the most beautiful looking game ever.(If you ignore Crysis 2)

I have it on almost (view distance is on normal) maximum settings, textures, models, physics, all on max. Even maximum Anti Aliasing.

It's running average on 45 FPS. I was (still am) blown away by that GPU compared to it's price, I highly recommend it.


Skyrim should be no problem with this one.


Also, sorry for the late reply. I forgot that I posted here. :tongue:


Cheers mate. I was planning on getting a job so I could save up for a new computer, but if my setup + a new GPU will do the trick then I'm pleased.


Thx for the reply :)

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I hope my computer can run Skyrim. I've got a 5770, i7 (I know it's being bottlenecked), and 6 GB of RAM, but I can't even run The Witcher 2 on the lowest settings. I guess it's some sort of bug/incompatibility though. The support for The Witcher 2 is awful, I still haven't been able to fix the problem and I got the game the first day it came out.
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Also because 512MB is what the 360 and PS3 have for their Video RAM, I assume it will be at least 512MB minimum. (Most likely not 256MB but it is possible.) That will probably will medium settings or less. As for the processor my Processor speed is .2 GHZ less and my PC can run much better than the 360. Also my old PC could have a lot of mods with no lag. (Specs were 2.1GHZ, 4GB, 256MB VRAM and Windows Vista 64Bit.) I am sure at least with those specs you could run Skyrim on Low or so.
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PS3 only has 256MB of video ram and 256MB of system ram, this is why it usually runs game worse then the 360 even with its better specs.


Yeah 256MB Sorry. Kind of funny how many say all the PS3 specs are better but they aren't. Some are some aren't simple as that.

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Motherboard: ASUS Sabertooth P67

Processor: Core i7-2600K 3.8GHz (It's running at stock speed because there's no point in overclocking it with the graphics card I have.)

Graphics Card: ASUS GeForce GTX 560Ti 1GB DirectCU II 900MHz (I wish I could afford a GTX 580 or 570... oh well:/)

RAM-Mem: Corsair XMS3 Vengeance 8GB DDR3 1866MHz (I don't have the memory yet and it's strangely enough cheaper than the 1600MHz modules:S)


So what do you think? Will it run Skyrim on highest settings in 1920x1080 res. as long as there's no tesselation enabled? Yes, I am serious! I get framerate drops (40-60 fps!) in the tutorial dungeons on Oblivion with everything on highest. Maybe it's the ENB-series mod. I installed or perhaps Oblivion is just horribly optimized because I can run FNV with no frame rate dips at all:S (VSync on)

Edited by nahtanoJ
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PS3 only has 256MB of video ram and 256MB of system ram, this is why it usually runs game worse then the 360 even with its better specs.


Yeah 256MB Sorry. Kind of funny how many say all the PS3 specs are better but they aren't. Some are some aren't simple as that.

The system is more powerful, but it's gimped by the memory. It's like having a bottle of soda. So what if it's 5 liters? Sure that's lots, but you have to drink it through a pin hole. I'm generalizing and exaggerating, I know, but it's not that it's a weak system. It's just not optimized.


Motherboard: ASUS Sabertooth P67

Processor: Core i7-2600K 3.8GHz (It's running at stock speed because there's no point in overclocking it with the graphics card I have.)

Graphics Card: ASUS GeForce GTX 560Ti 1GB DirectCU II 900MHz (I wish I could afford a GTX 580 or 570... oh well:/)

RAM-Mem: Corsair XMS3 Vengeance 8GB DDR3 1866MHz (I don't have the memory yet and it's strangely enough cheaper than the 1600MHz modules:S)


So what do you think? Will it run Skyrim on highest settings in 1920x1080 res. as long as there's no tesselation enabled? Yes, I am serious! I get framerate drops (40-60 fps!) in the tutorial dungeons on Oblivion with everything on highest. Maybe it's the ENB-series mod. I installed or perhaps Oblivion is just horribly optimized because I can run FNV with no frame rate dips at all:S (VSync on)

Do you have issues with heat? You run liquid cooling or air? I went ATI just to help with heat issues. :P I need to upgrade my mobo and CPU. I'll probably run a intel setup. Not sure what yet.

Edited by SHIROryuu
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Do you have issues with heat? You run liquid cooling or air? I went ATI just to help with heat issues. :P I need to upgrade my mobo and CPU. I'll probably run a intel setup. Not sure what yet.


Oh, it's not even close to overheating. The CPU cores idle at 35-40C and under full load 45-52C, and the graphics card idle at 35C and never goes above 71C under full load. I guess it's the graphical mod I installed that's causing the frame rate dips but I don't know.



Aircooling - NH-U12P SE2




The frame rate only dips when a new room or NPC loads.

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Do you have issues with heat? You run liquid cooling or air? I went ATI just to help with heat issues. :P I need to upgrade my mobo and CPU. I'll probably run a intel setup. Not sure what yet.


Oh, it's not even close to overheating. The CPU cores idle at 35-40C and under full load 45-52C, and the graphics card idle at 35C and never goes above 71C under full load. I guess it's the graphical mod I installed that causing the frame rate dips but I don't know.

What's the case heat like? I see around 93 (33c) under load, 79 (26c) idle. Of course I have A/C so... It takes some of the pressure off the computer during the summer. I get roughly the same CPU and GPU temps.
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