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Kids in games.


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In resident evil games you can't kill other non-zombie people. You can shoot them but nothing happens. maybe in morrowind if there were kid's and you attacked them the programed responce is the kid runs away and guards beat your ass.
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Yes, but people could still make mods that remove that feature, and make them killable. Unless they managed to hardcode it into the exe somehow...
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Thats true but even at this point a carless modder could create kids and depict them being killed, so really it's the modders doing not the game either way. Although by the kids initaly being in the game it would allow it to be much eaiser to mod wrong things, michal jackson things. (he dosn't deserve a upper case name)
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Well, I don't know if the absence of kids is a new-ish thing, but Ultima 9 had quite a few children in it - including a brat hurling fireballs at you if you didn't give him any money. IIRC there was no loss of karma for terminating the urchin with extreme prejudice. 


I know some games have kids. :huh:

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