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Far Cry

[Request] Less/no enemies and predatory animals


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So I recently finished the main storyline and all of the character related quests. No I am wandering through Oros and want to do all the Wenja quests. What is really annoying and immersion breaking are all those Udam Warriors and low level animals which are running around and attacking you on sight.

What I really which for are less or even no more Udams in the Wenja area (Im okay with their presence in the north) and that those animals stop attacking me. Not the Udams nor the animals are doing damage to me anyway, even Sabretooths are just annoying.


Thanks for any help.

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The carnivore:herbivore ratio does seem a bit high. It is nice, but sloughing through packs of wolves constantly makes getting simple tasks done. I mean, I love fighting through the wilds, but escaping from a wolf pack to run into a mountain lion to run into a rhino has literally happened to me, and wasn't an odd thing. And that isn't even counting the bloody eagles.


Though I am really impressed with the animal AI. They hunt very realistically.

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