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Companions in Skyrim?


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I'd like to have, at the most, 2 friends/companions at the most. Too much, to me, makes the experience less excited. Like walking into a dungeon and having a Draugr sneak up and scare the piss out of you, instead of your companion already noticing it and killing it. I like those moments. Sure as hell will be helpful when killing Dragons at low levels though. :thumbsup:
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If anyone has read 'His Dark Materials', a companion like Lyra's daemon would be awesome. When I''m fighting I want my flying mini daemon to hide in my robes/armour or get out of harms way because I don't want a companion to help in battle, I just want one for company. It could help me to find objects or help with quests much like 'Navi' the fairy in Zelda, by flying towards things and talking to me. There could be a perk so that I could meditate and take control of the daemon and use it as a scout or to spy on people.
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If anyone has read 'His Dark Materials', a companion like Lyra's daemon would be awesome. When I''m fighting I want my flying mini daemon to hide in my robes/armour or get out of harms way because I don't want a companion to help in battle, I just want one for company. It could help me to find objects or help with quests much like 'Navi' the fairy in Zelda, by flying towards things and talking to me. There could be a perk so that I could meditate and take control of the daemon and use it as a scout or to spy on people.

Love those books! Easily one of my favorite fantasy series of all time.


On topic, a shape shifting companion would be awesome. I imagine that would be really hard to mod, though.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Companions will no doubt be quite useful if I'm in an open field and a dragon suddenly swoops down looking at me as his next meal. I always tend to make characters that are absolutely lethal in the shadows, but don't do too well in open combat. :rolleyes: Hopefully their AI will be improved since Oblivion where they'd just get in the way of my arrows or blow my cover.
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