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Need help on sleeping script


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Hi! I was wondering whether I could get help on a script.


I basically want an NPC to do the following:


I want the NPC to be sleeping on a bed

When I talk to the NPC, it says a generic comment (It does this by default)

Then it goes back to bed.


Right now it gets up from bed, talks to me and then wanders off and leaves the room.


How do I have it programmed so that it goes back to bed?



Question 2.


I'd like to make a reaction script.


I want to basically have a door that is locked. If you unlock the door, you enter a room with two NPCs.


The NPCs react to you the moment they see you.


I want one guy to be sitting in a chair.


I want one girl to be sitting on the floor.


How do I program it so that the guy sitting in the chair becomes hostile and attacks and the woman (that was once sitting) runs off and braces for cover?

Edited by Dracomies
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