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How to improve my PC :(

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I want to play games on this PC , however it seems i cannot do that.. w this bulls*** fps and lag..issues :*(

What bothers me is that... it doesn't matter if it's on lowest setting or highest..

it's no difference at all and it will still lag/FPS drops.


Windows 10 - 64 Bit

GeForce GTX 750

Intel® Core i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz



I don't have much money..

so what can i do?.. what should i save up for?

Edited by Thessera
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Really depends what kind of games you want to play on PC, if we taling about games that are new, or pre-ordered, expect issues with it.
If we talk about top of the edge games which really need beefy PC, Hitman Absolution, GtaV, etc. , where's a lot going on under the hood, you might need a slight change but you are still good with those stats.
If we talk about games what Bethesda made and some of a kind games, which is basically a wooden toy car on a carpenter's bench you could have fps/lag issues, but that's not because your rig, It's because some forgot to delete loaded chunks after you shambled around, some mess up graphics or meshes and the list goes on. But we are on the nexus so I assume we talking about Skyrim, Fallout, Dragon Age, etc. which are really just need a look at it to be working fine, I say you should go and check what are the issues with the game, and modify the settings, get mods that modify the settings, tune it like a violin, fix nonsense stuff and make the game able to handle your PC for a game or two.

I say read about the game what people have issues with, why, is there a fix, also really helps if you keep your pc healthy, CCleaning, Defrag, and other great stuff. Also check if you have a gazillion mods installed, that also can make issues.

My Specs:
Windows 7 - 64 Bit <- I don't trust Win10 yet, that auto download and install bull*** pissed me off.
AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series
Intel® Core ™ i5-3300 CPU @ 3.00GHz

I don't have much money either, but still can manage to play Fallout 4 like if it would be ultra high graphical looking and run like butter. :blush:

Edited by akos515
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Your RAM and CPU are fine I think your biggest problem is your GPU. The 750 is a great card with one of the highest performance/price ratios in the market but sadly most games lately require more power. I'm using a GIgabyte GTX 960 with 4gb VRAM. It's a relatively cheap card and it runs every game I tried on it on the highest settings I highly recommend it for your configuration. Here's a link:


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Your RAM and CPU are fine I think your biggest problem is your GPU. The 750 is a great card with one of the highest performance/price ratios in the market but sadly most games lately require more power. I'm using a GIgabyte GTX 960 with 4gb VRAM. It's a relatively cheap card and it runs every game I tried on it on the highest settings I highly recommend it for your configuration. Here's a link:



I'd agree with this; the 750 is a fine card but with newer games it will run out of steam too quickly. With older games though, like say Skyrim or Fallout 3, it should be competent enough (not for full max ultra at 9999 FPS, but it should be working just fine on high-ish settings); if you're having problems with *any* 3D game that may indicate a lack of proper drivers or some other issue, which may broadly fall under the "Windows-10-killed-my-PC" umbrella.

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