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extreme CTD problem


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after playing around with language files, I can't seem to get my Fallout 4 to launch again.

It crashes right after selecting a save.


Things I've tried:


Redownloading the original language files

Successfully verifying the game via steam

Completely redownloading it via Steam

Disabling ALL mods

Enabling ALL mods that were previously active

Doing neccessary .ini edits in order to propely run mods

Restarting my PC





The only save I am able to load is a different character of mine being in Vault 111 at the very beginning of the story.

I am able to leave the vault, but any save further will crash, even a Vault 111 save on my current character.


Any help will be greatly appreciated as I am really running out of ideas and I'm really afraid of losing my current save! :sad:

Edited by sheeeeeeeeeesh
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sooooo i got it to work again, after downloading another language file for (what it felt like) the 100th time. only managed to get one (!) single save to load but hey, i'll easily catch up the lost 5 minutes of gameplay :laugh:

so, it wasn't a mod who caused it but the language files. be careful guys

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