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Deputy Beagle - Companion?


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Hello :)


I really like Beagle, he is so sleazy, lazy and cowardly yet arrogant, swarmy and verbose. I would love to see a companion mod for him. It would be perfect because he literally loses his job and becomes a sad depressed individual with nothing left in life after you complete his quest-line. There could be a trigger after you finish bringing the law that simply asks him to join you because he got nothing better to do. And then he would demand payment because that's just what he would do :P


He actually has lots of dialogue that could be chopped to give him lines. He already acts as a pseudo companion when he helps you clear the hotel. He just needs a default companion unlimited ranged/melee weapon, moderately buffed stats and a wheel.


Doesn't need a quest or extra dialogue or anything fancy like that. A perk that makes a funny joke about him would be cool but not a must have. It could be something like "Brave Brave Deputy Beagle" making a reference to Monty Python and cowards and it could give 10% more vats accuracy cause hes a coward who snipes long range or maybe 10% less gun spread or 10% DR if shot in the back (if that's even possible) as a reference to him running away.





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I wish I had time to do this. I think he'd make a funny companion.


I would set his AI to cowardly so that he runs away from every fight.

That would actually be brilliant IF he had a quest to get his courage so eventually he would actually fight. It could be like the cowardly lion from wizard of Oz maybe actual references to the movie that would be sweet.

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