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Dark Brotherhood Monastery


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Yes yes i know it was just idea's.

However let's focuse on morag tong instead of the fighters guild which absolutly doesn't fit into the picture , Another motive for not making an assault on the stronghold from the fighters guild is that the stronghold is just for defense againt the morag tong , The assasins there doesn't have contracts anymore , They defend the cyrodiil borders from assauls by the morag tong on their sancuaries. However yes it an exellent idea to let the journal inform you of an succesfully assasult on the DB stronghold and when you arrive everything is a mess , Bodies everywhere and such. However this wouldn't fit in very well with the scheme , This is just a normal stronghold With a lenghy questline for the DB , But your idea's are most intresting and i might just steal some :) It was wonderful idea's for another lenghy DB expension that i might start to work with when im more familiar to quest scripting.but im not going to use the figthers guild however , It gave me the idea to make The DB in action more after you completed the quest line , Like possible assaults and more sancuaries.


Good! The reason why I used The Fighters Guild, was only an example. You can use many others, I just chose this coz It was the first one I thought of :)

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Yeah, I'm just going to come in here and throw the fighter guild tie in out the window. As good as the idea may be, I don't want conflicts with other factions. The head of the DB could easily also head the FG, its just not an option. I've already decided on a morag tong assault, and that's final. The problem is, I don't like my conrades dieing. I have worked out excatly what happens at the end, but thats a secret.

Good good , I like suprises.

But do you need any testers of some kind? Cause i would gladly help :P

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Maybe, but not yet. The building iteself probably doesn't need testers, just the quests, and that won't be for a while. New screenshots will go up this weekend.
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I have a weird, possible awesome idea. Is there any way that this new DB Sanctuary/Monastery can be fully cloaked by a Chameleon spell? And only higher up members (Such as the Black Hand and your Elite members) are granted a small spell to end the chameleon for like 30 seconds so they could get inside.


It's pretty far out there, but still, it's imagination x3


Oh yeah, and aren't the Morag Tong supposed to be sneaky? (Never played Morrowind) So why not have one Morag Tong assassin infiltrate your Elite 10? So the final quest would be like:


You discover the infiltrator, but you're a bit too late since the infiltrator already disabled the Chameleon spell (or unlocked the main gates, whichever you want) for the full Morag Tong assault. Then the quest's objective becomes the defense of the Sanctuary.


Also, don't forget to add some designs like that door in the Cheydinhal Sanctuary. And plleeaaassee don't make the elite all male >_>


Also, if it's possible: Make it so there are some hidden passageways in the monastery as well, I bet it'll come in handy, and maybe it'll add an extra air of stealth and creepiness to the building.


These were off the top of my head, I don't even know if they're possible x3

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I have a weird, possible awesome idea. Is there any way that this new DB Sanctuary/Monastery can be fully cloaked by a Chameleon spell? And only higher up members (Such as the Black Hand and your Elite members) are granted a small spell to end the chameleon for like 30 seconds so they could get inside.


It's pretty far out there, but still, it's imagination x3


Oh yeah, and aren't the Morag Tong supposed to be sneaky? (Never played Morrowind) So why not have one Morag Tong assassin infiltrate your Elite 10? So the final quest would be like:


You discover the infiltrator, but you're a bit too late since the infiltrator already disabled the Chameleon spell (or unlocked the main gates, whichever you want) for the full Morag Tong assault. Then the quest's objective becomes the defense of the Sanctuary.


Also, don't forget to add some designs like that door in the Cheydinhal Sanctuary. And plleeaaassee don't make the elite all male >_>


Also, if it's possible: Make it so there are some hidden passageways in the monastery as well, I bet it'll come in handy, and maybe it'll add an extra air of stealth and creepiness to the building.


These were off the top of my head, I don't even know if they're possible x3



Okay then.


The chameloen thing, maybe not. As far as I know, I don't know how to do it. And besides, you can only start the whole Monastery quest line AFTER you are the Listener.


Believe you me, I've worked out the Way the assault will take place. Lets just say you choose how you want your soldiers to act. I'll make it so when they DO show up, they'll first breech the walls by climbing ropes (I know how this can be done) then from the inside they will open the gates for their men (if they get the chance). And stealth tactics normally don't work against people trained in stealth. Assassin's aren't great at killing other assassins.


I don't really have a place to put in the black door from the sanctuary. I'm actually having some trouble finding DB related construction items to add in, since there isn't any.


The elites will hopefully be 5 men and 5 women. Maybe one of each race with their own abilities (?).


I was thinking of secret tunnels, but whats the point? The whole building is a secret tunnel in a manner of speaking. But there will be some caves undernethe with the crypt and prison.


Thanks for your comment.

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Heres the latest screens.

The ones on the left are ingame, the ones down the right have been brightened (21%). They are bigger this time, I thought i'd give you a treat (50% instead of 25%).








Thats the great hall finished (There are some other things in there like a food storage/kitchen area, but you don't need shots of those). Of course, it may need tweaking, but its finished to a point in which I can start the next phase. Next is the East wing, where a alchemy lab and library will be located. Once again, any insight is appriciated, as I am running thin on ideas. I'll start work on it this weekend, hopefully I'll finish it then too. Thats all for now!

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That's Really nice pics , Start to look a bit brotherhood like now. About the assasult i think you really should have some elite archers on the walls , That would be kick ass. :ph34r:

About the cloak stuff someone suggested i don't think this can be done without any new Textures added to the game , And even if you manage the textures i don't know what to do next , Or you could try to make the building an actor which is not likely possible.

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I don't really want teh chameleon thing. As clever and tricky as the assassin's are they arn't mages.

I wans't convincing you to use it , I was just saying how hard it it to the guy who sugested it.

Should be possible using either PlayMagicEffectVisuals or PlayMagicShaderVisuals.

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