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Knock-him-out script

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This is so freaking awesome! Just what I wanted! Thank you and kudos to you!

I was just thinking, it would be even more perfect if you could activate the knocked out character, and be presented with th options: Kill him, Pickpocket him or leave him alone.

But then you'll have to run a script on everyone in Tamriel with begin OnActivate. At least, that is to my knowledge. I have no knowledge whatsoever about OBSE.


You should release this as a mod, it is more realistic, I always hated it when people just punched eachother to death in a bar brawl. :biggrin:

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You should release this as a mod, it is more realistic, I always hated it when people just punched eachother to death in a bar brawl. :biggrin:


I thought you only wanted the player to be unable to punch someone to death. If you want it to apply to everyone, this script is not going to be enough.

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Just spent a whole hour writing this. I'm not sure if it'll work but it does compile:



scriptname examplequestscript

array_var Targets
array_var UnarmedNPC
array_var NPCTargets
array_var temparray

float fquestdelaytime

ref tempref
ref tempref2

short control_var
short tempshort
short tempshort2

Begin GameMode

;Initialize the arrays and set the script to run once a second... didn't want it too fast with so many nested loops in the script
if (fquestdelaytime != 1)
	let fquestdelaytime := 1
	let Targets := ar_Construct Array
	let UnarmedNPC := ar_Construct Array
	let NPCTargets := ar_Construct Array

;When the player is unarmed, sets combat target to essential if it wasn't already and add to array "Targets"
;Had to use nested if conditions because for some reason it didn't work properly when it was all on one line
if (Player.IsInCombat == 1)
	if (Player.GetEquippedObject 16 == 0)
		let tempref := GetCrossHairRef
		if (tempref.IsActor == 1)
			if (tempref.IsEssential == 0)
				tempref.SetRefEssential 1
				ar_Append Targets tempref
				let control_var := 1
;When the player is still in combat but now armed, sets all actors in array "Targets" back to being non-essential			
	elseif (control_var == 1)
		let control_var := 0
		while (tempshort < ar_Size Targets)
			let tempref := Targets[tempshort]
			tempref.SetRefEssential 0
			let tempshort := (tempshort + 1)
		let tempshort := 0
;When the player is not in combat, sets all actors in array "Targets" back to being non-essential
elseif (control_var == 1)
	let control_var := 0
	while (tempshort < ar_Size Targets)
		let tempref := Targets[tempshort]
		tempref.SetRefEssential 0
		let tempshort := (tempshort + 1)
	let tempshort := 0

;When the player enters a new cell, clears the arrays "UnarmedNPC" and "NPCTargets"
;All actors in all the nested arrays of "NPCTargets" are set back to being non-essential
if (GetCellChanged)
	ar_Erase UnarmedNPC
	while (tempshort < ar_Size NPCTargets)
		ForEach (temparray <- NPCTargets[tempshort])
			let tempref := temparray["value"]
			tempref.SetRefEssential 0
		let tempshort := (tempshort + 1)
	let tempshort := 0
	ar_Erase NPCTargets

;Scans the player's current cell for actors
let tempref2 := GetFirstRef 69
while (tempref2)
	let tempshort2 := ar_Find tempref2 UnarmedNPC
	if (tempref2.IsInCombat)
		if (tempref2.GetEquippedObject 16 == 0)
;If an actor is in combat while unarmed, and not already in the array "UnarmedNPC", creates a new entry for him/her/it
			if (tempshort2 < 0)
				ar_Append UnarmedNPC tempref2
				let tempshort2 := ar_Size UnarmedNPC
				let NPCTargets[tempshort2] := ar_Construct Array
			let tempref := tempref2.GetCombatTarget
;If the unarmed actor's combat target is not essential, changes the target to essential and adds it to a nested array of "NPCTargets"
;"UnarmedNPC" and "NPCTargets" are symmetrical arrays
			if (tempref != Player && tempref.IsEssential == 0)
				tempref.SetRefEssential 1
				ar_Append NPCTargets[tempshort2] tempref
;If an actor was previously in combat unarmed, but now in combat armed, deletes the relevant entries from arrays "UnarmedNPC" and "NPCTargets"
;Also changes all targets in the relevant nested array of "NPCTargets" back to non-essential
		elseif (tempshort2 >= 0)
			ForEach (temparray <- NPCTargets[tempshort2])
				let tempref := temparray["value"]
				tempref.SetRefEssential 0
			ar_Erase UnarmedNPC tempshort2
			ar_Erase NPCTargets tempshort2
;If an actor was previously in combat unarmed, but now not in combat, deletes the relevant entries from arrays "UnarmedNPC" and "NPCTargets"
;Also changes all targets in the relevant nested array of "NPCTargets" back to non-essential
	elseif (tempshort2 >= 0)
		ForEach (temparray <- NPCTargets[tempshort2])
			let tempref := temparray["value"]
			tempref.SetRefEssential 0
		ar_Erase UnarmedNPC tempshort2
		ar_Erase NPCTargets tempshort2
	let tempref2 := GetNextRef




For the kill/loot unconscious actors, you can use these two scripts. But I really wouldn't recommend it because it involves changing their scripts.



scriptname knockoutscript

ref npcref
short choice
short loot
short menu
short tempshort

Begin OnActivate

set menu to 1
set npcref to GetSelf
MessageBox " " "Kill" "Loot" "Cancel"


Begin GameMode

if (loot == 1)
	if tempshort == 3
		AddItem Torch02 1
		EquipItem Torch02
		RemoveItem Torch02 1
		let tempshort := 0
		set loot to 0
	elseif (tempshort == 2 && MenuMode == 0)
		PlaySound UIInventoryClose
		InvChestRef.RemoveAllItems npcref
		let tempshort := 3
	elseif tempshort == 1
		RemoveAllItems InvChestRef
		InvChestRef.Activate Player
		let tempshort := 2
	elseif tempshort == 0
		InvChestRef.MoveTo Player 0 0 -50
		let tempshort := 1

if (menu == 0)

set choice to GetButtonPressed
if (choice == 0)
	set menu to 0
	npcref.SetRefEssential 0
elseif (choice == 1)
	set menu to 0
	set loot to 1
elseif (choice == 2)
	set menu to 0





scriptname examplequestscript2

array_var Scripts
array_var Unconscious

float fquestdelaytime

ref scriptref
ref tempref1
ref tempref2

short tempshort

Begin GameMode

if (fquestdelaytime != 1)
	let fquestdelaytime := 1
	let Scripts := ar_Construct Array
	let Unconscious := ar_Construct Array
	let scriptref := knockoutscript

let tempref1 := GetFirstRef 69
while (tempref1)
	let tempshort := ar_Find tempref1 Unconscious
	if (tempref1.GetKnockedState == 1)
		if (tempshort < 0)
			ar_Append Unconscious tempref1
			let tempref2 := tempref1.RemoveScript
			ar_Append Scripts tempref2
			tempref2.SetScript scriptref
	elseif (tempshort >= 0)
		let tempref2 := Scripts[tempshort]
		tempref1.SetScript tempref2
		ar_Erase Unconscious tempshort
		ar_Erase Scripts tempshort
	let tempref1 := GetNextRef




You'd also need to create an empty container with the refID "InvChestRef". And that part of the script was a total copy/paste of the CM partners script.

Edited by fg109
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Wow, I'm going to try it. You really made your work of it! o_O

The second loot script is a questscript, then I wouldn't have to alter the NPCs' script, right?

I'm going to try them all though , see you in a sec :D

Oh I see now, I'll need them both

Edited by Faceshifter
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The script isn't exactly working:

People without the knockout script will go unconscious just fine, but when multiple people join, they all will become permanently essential. (The pain I endured from five essential guards, argh)

People with the knockout script, will go unconscious once, and die when punched to "death" again. When activated, regardless of combat, death or other situations, they will yield the Kill/Loot/Cancel box.

The Kill option only works when the NPC is not unconscious, only when up and running, you can activate the NPC and kill it.

The Loot option halted the whole process, an unconscious NPC Looted will unequip everything, regardless of what you take from his/her corpse, and will not awake anymore. Instead it freezes in location, and blocks the path.



I had another idea, people will stay on the ground when their fatigue is below zero. Maybe a spell can be added when on low health, with drain fatigue a billion. This will not stop other NPCs from killing the NPC, and you'll still be able to punch him dead. But the loot thing will work, though ...

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