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I beleive I read somewhere on a link from Aelius' s list o f mods that the optimal number of characters on screen at one time is about four or five maximum. The bigest battle that I have ever fought was outside of a cave (I forget which one). There was an Obllivion gate outside of it.


Two Nether Liches followed me out of the cave, Shadowmere was out, and also two or three Spider Daedra were out. Evryone decided "Hey! Let's summon stuff," so there ended up being an additional two skeletons and mini spider things and evryone was fighting everyone else. And what with the Oblivion gate flashing and me being a fraidy cat and going invisible, and water moving...well let's just say "LAG CITY"


Anyways, the battle music would not go off for about five minutes, even though no one could see me.

--My biggest battle so far ;D 8)

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Mine was the 3rd quest for Umabacano or however his name is spelt, those skeletons at a medium difficulty where able to pack a real wallop and overwhelm me, I remember every peice of armor I had by the end of the battle ( I was at level 16 when I did it, Armoring skill was a minor and only at 41 ) was either completely destroyed or at less then 30, I went through 4 and 3 quarters of armor trying to kill off those Skeleton Champions.
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Mine was a battle in the second level of Lipsand Tarn against enhanced vampires and undead. With OOO you have a powerful boss there with lots of minions and able to summon Daedra of different kinds, and with Myths and Legens there are additional extremely powerful enemies which guard one of the artifacts of the mod. Because of the lag I also couldn't do much more than summon my critters, and I was glad to have two companions with me. It was quite overcrowded in there...
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I tumbled into Miscarand in search of something valueble. Inside was the greatest fight I've had! These were all I fought against :


-Hell Archer

-4x dread skeleton

-Undead Legion Knight

-3x Decaying Zombie

-Decaying Veteran

-Flesh Golem


Yes, at the same time! In Miscarand, there is this open space, with a bridge going trough it.On the bridge, everyone cought my attention, and ran for the stairs and they all ganged up on me. Two of the decaying zombies ressurected behind me, and ambushed me, as I backtracked while slashing at the horde.

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The longest battle was between myself and a guard. We fought nonstop for like half an hour. It was so fun. Largest in size? KOTN, the last quest, where you raided taht ayleid ruin. Fun stuff.
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Jyggalag (last boss in Shivering Isles expansion) was the best fight I've had since playing. Yes, that's right, I've had other fights, but they were mostly the same. But Jyggie put up a hell of a fight... Knocking me down and slashing me while I'm on the ground.


Most fun I've had since whacking Mankar Camoran on his throne.

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  • 4 months later...

i had a massive battl at an oblivion gate that wasn't a quest or anthing and was completely random (no mods)


-5 IC Guards

-2 spider daedra

-2 daedroths

-3 xvilia

-2 dremora (magic

-and 1 warior dremora


i think this was a glich as it was randomly in the wilderness above anvil and without a quest or warning or anything but it was really fun, it was like a mini war.

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My biggest fight was against boredom after the 15th Oblivion gate turned out to be the same thing again and the new dungeon was just the old dungeon in a different order. But in game the hardest fight I had was against Mannimarco when OOO was activated. I was maybe level 22.
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The biggest I've seen was probably when I made a wrong turn in the testing halls and ended up at the creature test area. My framerate died before I did.


The biggest one I've actually been able to fight in was one I actually setup. Many months ago I was working on a mod which was supposed to allow wave after wave of skeletons to start spawning in a town area that can only be described as fun. I never got the mod working right, but durring testing I had a few periods where I had atleast 15 skeletons either chasing me down or shooting arrows at me from one of the walkways above (said it was fun). My framerate naturally sucked, but was playable. it certainly made it a memorable test session.

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