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I remember you mentioning that mod... it's a shame you never got it to work right, it would have been great :)


My biggest battle was in a mod I'd downloaded, Champion of Cyrodiil's Stronghold or something, and the idiot author had literally put almost 40 NPCs in one area. I managed to kill them all pretty quickly though, considering the fps was slightly lower then 0.5 :P

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I remember you mentioning that mod... it's a shame you never got it to work right, it would have been great :)

Yeah, it was something with making one activator activate others to control the spawning. I just never had the time to go back to it. Maybe when college is out for winter I'll take another look at it. It won't be close to my original intentions, but might prove to be a fun little side challenge or something. Expect a fight if I ever do.

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Other than the Jyggalag battle I think my biggest fight was when I strolled into the guard barracks during watch-change and cast a lightning bolt at the ceiling (so it hit everyone). To say "they were upset" was to say "the Atlantic ocean is slightly damp."
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I roleplay a very arrogant character, so I end up strolling into an unhealthy amount of dungeons. Enter roughly 15, give or take a few, assorted bandits, adventurers, smugglers and associated scum.


That led to one of the few times I have ever run out of poisons.







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Kvatch at 19th Level. I had just stepped out of the chapel when I was spotted by:


3 Spider Daedra

2 Frost Atronauchs

1 Fire Atronauch

3 Storm Atronauchs

3 Xivali

3 Daedroth

2 Clanfear

2 Dremora Kersh... something or other

2 Dremora Wizards (aka Squishies)




The 5(!) Imperial Legion Guards, two Kvatch regulars, and the essential NPC all bit it within the first 10 seconds of the fight. Hardly any damage at all was caused to the Daedra. The essential NPC was continually knocked out before he could do any harm.


The whole fight took about 10-15 minutes (lost track of time). When the smoke cleared, I stood alone amongst the smoldering ruins of Daedra corpses and cackled into the burning night sky. :ph34r: Suffice it to say, anything after that was just... unfulfilling.

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I once got 20+ allied NPCs, some of them companions, to participate in the battle for Bruma at ~lvl 25. My frame rate dropped low enough to play the game as a slideshow when the second gate opened. When the third gate opened, my computer locked up so badly that even the power button wouldn't respond and I had to hard-boot by yanking out the battery and the power cord.
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