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What are ways you make Skyrim more interesting?


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I like that approach. I have several dungeon mods (e.g. hyborian age) installed but have no idea where they are. Finding them randomly makes things far more interesting.


In terms of mods, the ones that have made skyrim the most interesting for me include: 1)frostfall 2)campfire 3)hunterborn 4)realistic needs 5)interesting npcs 6)realistic nights 7)morrowloot 8)kill the orchestra


I've also completely turned off compass, enemy markers and health, and map GPS and quest markers and I play at a timescale of 5. Yes, occasionally being lost, getting sniped from enemies without immediately knowing where they are, and then not knowing if they are close to death when in the heat of battle is apparently interesting to me :D

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-new lands mods

-quest mods

-follower mods

-surival/realism mods


Actual i waiting for a handful of new lands/quests mods (or upgrates of them). Most of them hosted here on the nexus, one not (beyond skyrim). I don´t look after follower mods (because i have already enough, but ... then i see a new and beautiful one, i let me suprise;):).

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Adding mods to your game without reading up on them and not testing them seems like a really good way to break your game.

- Gameplay and ability mods to change up how combat works.

- Add abilities and make useless/lame abilitiies less useless/lame.

- Make sure that each playthrough has a unique combat style/personality.
- Survival mods and other mods that add depth to gameplay.

- Remove/expedite parts of the game that aren't any fun, like skill grinding and backpack cleaning.

- Avoid main quests like the plague.

- Create bucket lists of far-flung quests/achievements so that you know what to do with yourself while you're avoiding the main quests.

- Try to make this list different for each playthrough.


When all else fails, spend more time modding than you do playing.

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Another thing I do is I try to choose non traditional themes and handpick my mods accordingly.

For example. I've made an Arcane Assassin using bound weapon mods using a combo of Sneak, Conj, Illusion, and Archery to make a sniper mage. That was fun.

Another time, I used mods that focused on Shouting. With Thunderchild as the centerpiece. Using shouts in a much more powerful way. I gained a new appreciation for Elemental Fury......AKA dragon-in-a-blender

One I found real fun was increasing the number of conjuration souls so you can maintain more conjured beings at once time. (A little over powered, but there are mods for that) and play like a mastermind commanding multiple minions.

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