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opinions on parts for a cheap computer

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final listing:


























PRICE: $1249..87 (after S&H and extended warranties)


only thing i dont have is a keyboard. youd think this would be simple, but i just want a good keyboard that flows with gaming but isnt pricey. if any of you have any suggestions thatd be great, its the last thing i need.

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thanks for your response, but the g15 is out of stock and the g19 is too god damn expensive!


ill prolly just end up getting a regular old keyboard

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still $100, i mean for a keyboard thats quite a bit. idk we will see.


but for the rest of the build, does it look pretty good??


thanks for your help, especially you Erik


EDIT: i was looking at the G510, $110. the G15 is $150. if i do get one, cause they look like good cool keyboard, ill be going with the G510, since its cheaper...

Edited by hoofhearted4
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so i piced out another keyboard. there is the g510 like i had said:




and the microsoft sidewinder x4:




or this, the g110:




i had found the g15 for like $70 but again it was out of stock. other then that the cheapest i found was like $150 if it wasnt used. :/

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ok guys, everything is set, but i was just pointed out one thing, my tower does not have a PSU!


now id really like to keep my tower as i like it, but i need a PSU.


i was recommended a 600W one. if you guys can point me out a good cheap one thatd be great. im hoping no more then $50 if not cheaper, but idk if thats realistic or not.


any opinions help guys thanks!


its really between these two:






i picked those two cause they have pretty solid reviews. i prefer the first once cause its $40 cheaper, but idk how PSUs work with cases or if its compatible or not.


your help is and has been much appreciated everyone

Edited by hoofhearted4
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The only differences between those 2 powersupplies seem to be the brand (other is xigmatek, other is cooler master) and the cheaper one is non-modular. Which means all the cables are already attached. The more expensive one is modular, which means you can choose what cables you want to attach. Should make cable management a whole lot easier.


I reaaallllly doubt the compatibility is an issue because those power supplies seem to be standard size. Even with bigger PSUs I doubt it would be an issue with that case.

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soo im getting "go with the cheaper one cause the other one is almost the same except brand name which in turn makes it more expensive"
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