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Xenomorph as in Alien movie


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Okay people -- here's my (temporary) honest opinion on this weird issue with swinka6666 booting off the Modding community on both Nexus & Steam.


-- IF he really got upset by my suggestion of creating a Spiderman project after Obelixdk and him were done with the Predator's essentials... it's (i'll put it gently & politely somehow) completely silly. More directly, it is a case of wrong perception by someone i don't even know personnally.


-- Obelixdk and I had a swift Steam-Chat about this stuff (yesterday evening) and we simply can't conclude on anything unless we get the facts straight from him. IMO, it could be almost about whatever anyone would think.


-- THIS isn't the end-of-the-world, AFAIC. Plenty of great 3d artists could be waiting in line to share their talents for this specific project & many others.


Soooooo -- conclusion? Unless i can get to the truth... i can only state one more extremely simple thing; i was being very serious with my demand for a cool Spiderman model job (by anyone.. i've asked before in the requests section, btw) and i feel nothing is awry about me making such a post. If **HE** found some strange reasons to react as badly as he was -- well, too bad. I won't let that go to my head, at all.


Understood? :ninja:

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yeah it seems like this was his own doing, as there has been no word from him since, and if it had been someone else he would have told someone by now..


Guess some people will never stop to amaze you :/

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This is really strange behavior. He just dropped from the face of the earth. What a shame.


I still have the SHIV files, so not all is lost. However, the animations don't work, yet. I can share the SHIV project files if anyone's interested in getting it to work. It has proper particle effects, and some Anim_Notifies.


I know I won't have time next week or so to get this to work.

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i unfortunately only have the upk file with the files he already completed, and not the stuff he was working on, so i am kinda at square one.. ive figured out how to extract the files from the upk file and import them into Blender, but from there, i am a bit lost.. currently talking with another guy about getting some help to learn the basics for this myself.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Too bad, he was doing some really great work, really interesting.


For what it's worth, I think the idea of a spiderman mod to be quite silly, having said that, it would also be really kewl.


In any case, this is a prime example why I wouldn't use someones mod as a required mod for one of mine.


Side note, I keep a separate section for mods I use as backups just in case there is a problem of some kind. Or if I thought a mod was really interesting and was at a stable stage. I wasn't currently using any of his mods though.


Of course I think he has the right to remove any content he wants. Even if it causes people problems, those problems are only caused because he allowed others a better gameplay experience in the first place. I don't think it's the best way to go about things but that's another conversation maybe.

Edited by jgbaxter
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Spiderman == Grapple.


IMO, so it's not really that silly to imagine why any sort of true-to-facts Super-Heroes would suddenly start to appear as real selectable gameplay assets in their own rights.

Gee, anyone that pays a regular visit to the Steam-Workshop can already realize how many such custom variations can (and certainly will) be found as various types of resources going from Pools to simple Face-Paints & Tattoos & nearly real 3d Models of Helmets & Armors.


So please let the Creative Minds *DO* their amazing stuff for everyone interested. It's for the best, AFAIC.


And if by some strange luck, some talented modelers *COULD* eventually make me that highly anticipated "SpiderMan" mod -- i'd be the very first to ask for HULK (( Newest AH Rage Suit, anyone?? )) and many others including Batman & Robin & -- & -- ....


The amazing Fun is what we just make of it. Cool characters spice up the whole Journey & our personal storyline patterns -- no less. :wink:

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