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Memory blocks log mod help please..:(


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Hello ya'all.


I posted this on the Memory B;ocks Log Mod page but i fear it doesnt get read or checked much so thought i would ask on this more active forum thread.


So i hope this makes sense as i wish to improve my games memory and reduce possible CTDS....



I use MO( Mod Organizer). i have installed the memory Blocks log mod into my MO and ran my game, came out and found the log file in overwrite that i could check and read. then unchecked the memory MOD as suggested so no hangups so far. MO running fine.

But watching Gopher on his very awesome video about this, he says to go to the skse.ini file.

His path is ...

Steam Apps > Common > skyrim > Data > SKSE . then he has a skse.ini file ( or suggests creating one).

i did as Gopher said regarding installing skse and they are now in Skyrim folder ( ie launcher , loader etc) which is super and working fine, but there is no skse.ini file there.

I even searched my pc for a skse.ini file and one does not exists. All my skse scripts are in a folder in my MO folder as per gophers instructions and i am happy with that. So..

Do i go as far as i can, ie. Steam> steamapps > Common > skyrim > data and then create a new folder called SKSE and then create a document called skse.ini? which would be where i then paste my....








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Yes, if you already have SKSE installed, you just have to make skse.ini yourself. Just make sure that you actually rename extension to ini and it doesn't end up like skse.ini.txt or something.







That should be usual recommended lines for skse.ini

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hI Kriiks.


Thank you so so much for replying to my call for help. i was worried as my topic was getting lower and lower on the forum and a bit sad that maybe it was a trivial need and overlooked but you answered it and your help is so appreciated. i did as you suggested and now my game seems ( touch wood) CTD free.


Thankyou again! ( big hugs)

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