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Slof's Better Beasts not working in 1st Person?


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Well, I installed Slof's Better beasts, which gives claws and what not to Argonians and what not. Anyways, I'm noticing that my Argonian only has claws in 3rd person view and in the tab menu. He has regular human fingernails in 1st person mode, and it doesn't look right. Anyone have any ideas on what might be happening?
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Well, I installed Slof's Better beasts, which gives claws and what not to Argonians and what not. Anyways, I'm noticing that my Argonian only has claws in 3rd person view and in the tab menu. He has regular human fingernails in 1st person mode, and it doesn't look right. Anyone have any ideas on what might be happening?

first person claws are not include in the mod, that's all.

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More specifically the claws were made part of the tails, so you won't have to change every existing clothing and armor item for the hand slot otherwise. They're like "mounted" in the tail slot. The game engine doesn't render all slots when in 1st person. I think it's only hand and upperbody even, but I'm not sure. The tail slot, however, is never rendered in 1st person, thus aren't the claws.
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