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Probably Goldbrand if you want a pre-enchanted weapon. You can make powerful custom weapons by enchanting your own.

Thanks, i just started playing oblivion and i dont understand how to put more then one enchantment into a weapon or armor, it will only let me use 1 soul gem at a time, which means only one enchantment. can u help?

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Uh, no. Self enchanted weapons are not as good as the pre-made weapons you may find. In fact, they're considerably worse.

If you want raw power, go with Umbra. It has 32 damage (master at blade) and is weightless (it's a quest item btw). However, Umbra's enchantment isn't very good. Goldbrand is nice, too. It's also much better for the 'good guys'; Umbra is a dark and evil soul stealing sword. It has ruined the lives of many people.

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A good soul gem could give you more than one enchantment, it just depends how powerful the enchantment is.

Whats the best soul gem? i need a good one that could give me 2+ enchantments


Uh, no. Self enchanted weapons are not as good as the pre-made weapons you may find. In fact, they're considerably worse.

If you want raw power, go with Umbra. It has 32 damage (master at blade) and is weightless (it's a quest item btw). However, Umbra's enchantment isn't very good. Goldbrand is nice, too. It's also much better for the 'good guys'; Umbra is a dark and evil soul stealing sword. It has ruined the lives of many people.

Thanks, what sword do you use?

Btw, you joined on my birth-day lol ( 27-Aug )

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If you just started playing, don't worry about getting the most powerful weapon right now. Work your way up. Get your favorite unenchanted weapon and enchant it now. It won't seem very good after a few levels but by then you'll have better unenchanted weapons and more cash to use for better enchantments.


Black soul gems and Grand soul gems are the best ones.

You can enchant with multiple effects. Just don't max out the first effect before adding the second. You can only add so much total enchantment power per strike.

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First Thing: The Enchantments. Enchantmentet items will be "empty" after some time of using them. The Goldbrand will add 20 Points of Fire damage until its charge is empty. then yuoll have to recharge it to get the fire damage bonus.

"Goldbrand" has a big charge, about 3000Points. Any self enchantet Weapon will have no more the 1600 Points of charge. A Grand Soulgem with a Grand Soullevel in it has 1600 Points.


You can enchant a daedric Longsword to do little magic damage so the 1600 Points charge will last quite long or you can pull the magic damge to maximum which will deplete the magic charge pretty quickly.


The enchanted Daedric sword would be best, if you wont have a Problem with recharging your sword in the middle of a dungeon (soultrap a creature, catch its soul in a soulgem, Azuras Star would be best, and refill your sword.).


Something else to make your sword (and your Armor) stronger is the Armorer skill. Get yourself some damage Armor and Damage Weapon spells. Then go kill some bandits. When lying dead at your feet, you can shoot their corpses until youre going dizzy. As long your victims wear their armor or weapons, they will be damaged by our spell. this will get your Destruction skill very high and your Armorer skill too, when you repair the Armor you just broke.


And now, the Point: When reaching expert level (skill 75 or above) you can Repair Armor and weapons beyond 100%. To 125%, to be exact. With more health, your armor offers more protection and your sword strikes harder.

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