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GotY or Deluxe?


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Hello everyone,


I'm going to buy Oblivion, but I don't actually know which one I should buy, if GotY or Deluxe, since I'm planning to install loads of mods... Is any of these versions known to cause problems or just to be worse than the other about mods installation? Which one would you suggest me? A friend of mine advised me to buy it from G2A...


Thanks in advance! :smile:



Edit: Everything went fine. I bought GotY Deluxe for a handful of money from G2A, around 7$, and i got my Steam CD-KEY. After that, I activated my game and started my download. Subsequently, the game was fully installed with all his dlcs.


For the OBSE thing, I downloaded TesModManager for Skyrim, because it works for Oblivion as well, I extracted and installed it. Then in the bottom hand-left corner you can let TMM auto download the latest OBSE without any efforts.


Not happy, I decided to test if my oblivion read it: I downloaded OBSE tester, installed it, and it told me that OBSE was fully and properly working.


(For any questions, just PM me)

Edited by Cuzzoni
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Can't offer any advice re GotY or Deluxe, but something to keep in mind is the only versions of the game that are compatible with Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) are either the official disk versions of the game or the Steam version. OBSE is required for many mods, especially the more modern "must have" ones.


If you want all of the DLCs you'll need to research what comes with each version (GotY and Deluxe).

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Okay, thanks for the reply. :laugh:

Just one more thing. If i get the code (or steam gift) for purchasing Oblivion on Steam from another website (like G2A), will the game still count as originally bought on Steam or have some kind of manipulated file due to third part selling? My main goal is to make OBSE fully and properly working.

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The only game I did this with was Saints Row 4. I got a code when I bought my pc. Put it in steam and it unlocked like a regular purchase. Oblivion should work the same way. Pretty sure deluxe is what you want as GOTY is older and missing a couple of DLC items such as Battlehorn.

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I myself bought the Deluxe version straight from Steam. That way I also knew exactly what I was going to get from Steam, as in, I chose the Deluxe version and not the normal GotY, and really got the one I was after.


I do not think there are any significant "under the hood" differences between the two (as you asked in your first post), but at least the Deluxe one contains the small DLC, as has been mentioned already. And that is the only difference mentioned directly on the Steam store page, too. The small DLC include everything on the UESP page - excluding KotN, as it seems to be in both normal GotY and Deluxe.


So as for which one you want, I suppose it depends on whether you want the small DLC, too (if you want to call them that, see the UESP wiki for what they really add to the game). I myself wanted them, and considering how the price difference between the two versions on Steam was 5 Euros, I bought the Deluxe one. I also need the Battlehorn casle for my mod project, and I wanted to check what Spell Tomes was like.


If you buy the game from outside Steam, do check which one you will get the code for. They are priced differently on Steam, and Deluxe is a few Euros more than the normal, so I suppose they would also have different Steam codes for them. I have never bought Steam codes from outside Steam (excluding one game that came in a retail box yet still required Steam) and am usually veeeeeery suspicious when it comes to all sorts of things online. :blush:

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Thank you very much.

I'm going to buy it (GotY Deluxe, either Steam gift or code) in a couple of days tho, but I'll let you know about OBSE compatibility and I will edit the first post, if I succed, by listing the procedure I've adopted.

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OBSE works with the Steam GotY Deluxe version just fine. The procedure is also already out there:

  • install the game via Steam
  • launch the game at least once so it creates the ini files necessary to your My Document folder
  • download OBSE and extract it
  • copy the relevant files to your Oblivion folder(s)
  • launch Oblivion from Steam

And that is the rough idea of the procedure. Steam will load OBSE - actually, if you try to launch the game via obse_loader.exe, it will tell you to start it from Steam, instead. Hopefully that helps. :thumbsup:

Edited by Contrathetix
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