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Can't start the game with enbseries


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Hi guys,

I recently downloaded Skyrim again, and have tried installing mods again, but I have a weird error with everything related to ENB, because my game just won't start whenever I have installed enbseries. Everything works fine without, but the moment I put a d3d9.dll and the other necessary files in my game folder, the game doesn't even reach the Bethesda logo, it just has a black screen. What baffles me is that I had it all working a year ago, so I don't really know what's the problem. In my skyrim folder, along with SkyrimLauncher.exe, TESV.exe and so on I have the d3d9.dll, enbhost.exe and enblocal.ini, as required by Vivid Weathers ENB, and the files from the ENB itself, as in the instruction of the author, although that doesn't matter really, since the game doesn't even start when I have just the normal files from enbdev.com installed, and no actual mod from the nexus...

So basically, I must be doing a really dumb or basic thing wrong, because I can't for my life figure out why the heck it doesn't start... Could anybody help me? Thanks in advance!

Edited by WhuzzUp
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  • 10 months later...

I dont know if you are having any "Razer" accessories, such as mouse, keyboard, headset, or whatever, a specific razer program which is called Razer synapse causes problems with ENB...

in other words, if you do have Razer Synapse installed/active, just turn it off. And the game should work now. If its not the razer synapse problem, then...well i tried :D

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Have a look at this thread (very first post):



BTW, InquizitOr is right, too: ENB doesn't seem to like any third party programmes creating ingame overlays (driver utilities, hardware monitors...). Close them before starting Skyrim with ENB enabled.

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