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a lot of mod not owrking f04edit saying unused data please help


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*please excuse terrible spelling* I'm fairly new to modding but got the hang of installing and downloading mods via nmm but i have no idea how to use fo4edit and sturggule to grasp what people try to say on a lot of tutorial videos im really struggling and just wanna enjoy a play through without having to completly restart from scratch and lose hours progress

Edited by Iamkiing
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Before anything, I suggest to just delete your current installation and start allover. (do not uninstall, this will leave a lot of stuff in the folder stall, hence: delete the entire FO4 folder.)

Reinstall FO4.

Fire up FO4, let it run once, then install NMM.
Make sure you point NMM to the right folders, where you keep your game, and your mods.

Now it is time to edit the Fallout4Custom.ini file, found here: C:\Users\->Your PC name here<-\Documents\My Games\Fallout4, scroll all the way down, and add:


(if [LAUNCHER] is not there, just add it at the bottom.)


Next, open Fallout4Custom.ini in the same directory, and add/change:





Then you can begin to install mods, install them one at a time, or per three, and make a test run after each mod.
If one fails, remove the last mods installed, and try to figure out what causes the mod to crash.


If you need any help, we'll be around.

Edited by Klipperken
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