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Sex scenes removing mod


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As far as I know, no sex scenes are forced on you. You have to choose certain, pretty obvious, dialogue and basically ask the women to sleep with you. The only nudity you cannot avoid is Triss, which you can remove by using this mod.
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I guess the non-adult family members will get enough fun with the finishing blood splattering movements, too much for them see some natural sex. Sigh.

My thoughts exactly...this is ridiculous...


-Hey,kids, look: uber violence!



Hey, sex and nudity.



That is not really making sense to me...

I don't have a problem with blood at all, but until the day I see a no blood mod, and hell, maybe geralt hitting with a foam sword, these things will always make no sense to me.

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I agree with you guys. It's ridiculous how many parents seem to think a child is "protected" as long as he/she doesn't witness sex in any way, while violence, blood and gore isn't considered harmful at all. But I'm sure the OP doesn't need my or your opinions in raising his/her child, so better to just be helpful.
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The morale and ethical debate aside - although I agree forced censorship is stupid, no matter the subject - this is still a personal request made by one of our fellow users. I would not argue against an option to either disable the sex scenes, or to simply fade to black while they go on so you can't see anything. I'm not sure I would use such a function myself, but why shouldn't it be there as an option?
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By the same token the game comes in a box that clearly states:-


18 Contains very strong language, strong sex and bloody violence


If people don't want any of that in a game then don't buy it, and whilst most kids DO want to play games that are rated above their age, just the same as they like to take up smoking or drinking and watching porn if they can get away with it, I wonder if it is prudent for parents to condone such activities.

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Well the main reason to protect children isn't that sex is inherently bad or evil, it is to protect against teenage pregnancy, IMO. Besides, the OP wasn't asking the board to discuss censorship but rather to simply request a mod, so anything else is really off-topic.
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