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legion veteran armours, anyone?


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the idea is to create either extra meshes and textures for bandages, scratched armour pieces, armour's with missing parts, satchels and bags, torn tunics etc..


as well as helmets incorporating eye-patches/bandages of either left or right eye, a head bandage w/o either eye or loose eye patches/bandages etc.


and armour with replaced pieces


in general anything that springs up to mind when thinking 'veteran'.

Edited by R de kroon
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Try drawing up a concept art of some kind, or describing in more detail what you want, modders become interested when they have something they can see, something to get their imagination and creative juices working. Give them something to draw them in, and then you might enjoy more succes http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif
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I have given drawing them a try, so here are some simple drawings of the helmets and the satchel/bag


I've also added an imperial legion ranger helmet and veteran ranger helmet (hooded helmet and eye-patched hooded helmets respectively)


EDIT: now I've added another legion skirt with bag,satchel and a steel dagger as well as eye-patches and bandages, a scratched helmet and helmets with a missing cheek piece on either side... also possible for missing pieces could be the nose-guard and both cheek pieces :P

Edited by R de kroon
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also I am now using DagothBalls's Ethereal: Armour Imperial Legion Edition Final




I'm going to ask him if I (anyone that is willing to help me...) may use his mod in the mix (as the newer armour pieces I was rambling about :P. (that's 1 piece of the mix that wouldn't be needed to go on about :D))

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no one?


hmmm... ah well strange that no one finds the lack of really experienced soldiers, soldiers that made their life of fighting or expert sort-of-teacher (swordmanship, marksmanship, ore else) soldiers (and thus Veterans) disturbing, and that the only veterans you meet with have to get killed (DB, and yet again DB)



:I damn...

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  • 2 months later...

I like the idea, i would absolutly download this, i would suggest scars too, visible scars, like instead of an eye patch, you could have a scar around the eye, showing it. It would be cool if the player could use them too.




(i know im not good with paint, specially 5 second drawings)


EDIT: that ranger helmet looks upload ready ;) very nice work.

Edited by Wraithofdoom
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i have a question, do you normally have to add a head/face inside the helmet, cause when i tried it ingame, my characters head was gone, my work was clipping again... while i thought i had fixed that...
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