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2016 Essential Oblivion Mods


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Hello everyone, this is my first post on these forums. I am pretty new to Oblivion modding, and modding in general. Before now I have only used the Oblivion and DLC unofficial patches. I was wondering if you guys could give me a sort of list of mods/utilities for Oblivion in 2016. Like, for utilities, I know that for Skyrim there is LOOT and TES5Edit; I was wondering if there was anything like that for Oblivion. As for mods, what are the most essential of them for 2016? Thanks everyone.

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There should be the same utilities for Oblivion. Considering how Oblivion is also older than Skyrim. At least the following might be handy to learn:

  • Wrye Bash - this one for at least making Bashed Patches, but it also has a ton of other features and can install mods
  • TES4Edit - equivalent of TES5Edit
  • TES4LODGen - equivalent of TES5LODGen (for object LOD)
  • Oscape - the same as the one for Skyrim (for generating landscape LOD)
  • OBSE - equivalent of SKSE
  • Oblivion Stutter Remover - this one to potentially help with stability
  • Oblivion Reloaded - visuals, framerate manager, memory purger

And as for LOOT, Arthmoor has said that BOSS has been made obsolete by LOOT. And that seems to be the case. I have never used either LOOT or BOSS, though, so I have no personal experiences with either. LOOT says it should work with Oblivion, too. And then there is this: https://github.com/loot/loot.github.io/wiki/LOOT-FAQs#what-happened-to-boss-v3


And as for mods (like mods mods, Oblivion Reloaded is not really a mod as it is), it depends on what you want: visuals, gameplay mechanics, items, quests, something else?

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Difficult to give a complete list. But for something to start with, here are some mods I myself use and I definitely like them. Purely my subjective opinion, of course.



Also, there are some retextures by Lougian in case you are interested. And discovery1 has also lots of other great environment retextures available in additon to those two I linked (Imperial Ecology and Atmospheres). And you can also browse the files by category, like meshes and textures or something. There might be hidden gems out there just waiting for you to find them. Happy hunting! :thumbsup:


Edit: Hmm. Odd. There seem to be some formatting issues. Sorry about that. :blink:

Edited by Contrathetix
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BOSS is being maintained by mhahn123 (manual updates to the masterlist also available here). It is the superior tool for Oblivion load order in my opinion (sorry to disagree Contra).


Other than that Contra has you well covered.

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I recommend TES4Gecko for its plugin merging capabilities, which I'm not sure are available in other tools like TES4Edit. I also recommend OBMM, which has options for managing BSA archives, like archive invalidation, and BSA production/unpacking. At least, if these are things that you expect to use.

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BOSS is being maintained by mhahn123 (manual updates to the masterlist also available here). It is the superior tool for Oblivion load order in my opinion (sorry to disagree Contra).


Other than that Contra has you well covered.


No problem, feel free to correct me and/or present varying opinions. Single truth is usually not the way to go. And I think you have more experience when it comes to automatic load order tools, I have never ever touched one. So Bioniclex6, maybe you could try BOSS, too. Perhaps it is more concentrated on Oblivion specifically. :blush:

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I've always said it takes a team. The only absolute I know is this ... I don't have all the answers.


Hell, I'm still working on figuring out the important questions (and I'm an old guy, so I've had lots of time to ponder on that).

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