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Arena-Style Enchants


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Is there a mod that makes enchantments like in Arena?

By that I mean:

1) You don't just magically know what enchantments are on an item.

2) You have to either pay someone to find out what enchantments are on an item or attempt to do it yourself.


If not, then I was thinking that if one were to make the mod that:

1) The teachers at the College of Winterhold

2) Court Mages

3) Falion

4) Neloth (or his apprentice)

Could be ones that you could pay to attempt to find out what enchantments are on your items.


* You have another option at Arcane Enchanters to try and find out yourself. Your chance will be based on your Enchanting level and whether you know the Enchantment on the item or not, and it should consume something valuable so that it actually sucks to fail.

The items would simply have the description "unknown enchantment" until you find out, then the description would fit the enchantment.

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