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Anthony Weiner


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Congress routinely uses scandals of this nature to draw public attention away from the fact that they are ALL crooks, and wouldn't know a good law/idea if it jumped out and bit 'em in the keester. The more they can play this, the less the media concentrates on 'important' things, like three wars, no jobs, and a failing economy.
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First off I am not a democrat or one of Weiner's constituents but isn't the criteria for his resignation whether he can no longer effectively represent his district? To date his only maleficence is bad taste and an inability to own up to his perverted behavior neither of which is a crime. He did not post his pics on a public site but sent them privately, if the recipients did not find it offensive then just why are the people in his own party so willing to throw him under the bus? Just for the record on a political basis I find him offensive but his private behavior is none of my business and I could care less what he does off the floor as long as it is not a felony. If the Brits did as we seem to do with sexual shenanigans Parliament would be half empty, they seem to have more common sense about such peccadilloes.

This is what I have been trying to say.


There was recently a republican who sent a shirtless picture. I disagreed with his politics but I didn't care about his private life.

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Question, if I take a picture of my junk and post it on the internet, will I get on the news?


Answer: No. And I bet you feel awkward now.


It's kind of stupid that the guy's getting so much crap over this. I thought it was pretty funny to be honest. I mean, I'm willing to bet a good number of them (Congressional individuals) have cheated at least once, most of them probably have pictures of their junk, maybe not on the internet. This is just the poor sap that got caught. As long as whoever those went to weren't minors, I got no problem with it.

Edited by RZ1029
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Or sent to random people who didn't want those images....


The raincoat flasher gets done for it because he's not rich and powerful. The rich and powerful bloke sending random pictures of his bits to women who don't want to see that or sleep with him probably won't, because he's got money and fame.

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As a website owner who has just spent an hour deleting pictures of peoples' junk that got posted on my site by a porn spambot, I can tell you that when you do not wish to see this crap and it has been sent to you unwillingly (on the part of the recipient), it never ceases to be offensive, and it isn't funny (except when I chased that guy with his strides round his ankles with my horse and he fell in the nettles...)


I do not very often agree with Blackbaron2, but I do in this case.

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Well the discussion on whether Weiner should resign is moot because as of this moment he has done just that. Now...will Congress get back to the actual job they were elected for and stop milling around like a group of ostriches with their head in the sand? I doubt it, we should pay these Nimrods on a piece work basis maybe then we might get some action out of them.
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Well the discussion on whether Weiner should resign is moot because as of this moment he has done just that. Now...will Congress get back to the actual job they were elected for and stop milling around like a group of ostriches with their head in the sand? I doubt it, we should pay these Nimrods on a piece work basis maybe then we might get some action out of them.


Actually the less they do the happier I am, the only action I want to see is the repeal of a bunch of laws.

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Hehe, we have been trying and failing miserably to get our MP's to do anything for hundreds of years...apart from claiming expenses and get caught with their pants down...
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