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DarkUI'd DarN - Broken Map?

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I just did a full reinstall on my laptop to gear up for FCOM. I did everything, it works great. Then, I installed all my other favorite mods - started to, anyway.


I installed Gothic's DarkUI'd DarN OMOD. Everything seemed fine, right until I got into the game and wa-BAM, I had a big empty box for a world map, my paper doll/avatar looking at me from within the map box. I went out, and back into menus, and noticed that, down in the compass bracket, the map was showing up! I could click anywhere in the actual map box, and move that dinky compass window around. I went out, back in, and the map was there, but now it took up the whole screen, spilling over the limits of the map box borders - the menu was still visible, but yeah. Everything else is occupied.


Finally, the Local Map - the zoomed in, detailed mini-map - turns the whole screen black except for the menu brackets and things again (no icons in the Stat/Inventory/Spells selectors, just black). The map is there, and you can move it, but there are no map icons and no location marker for the PC.


I realized I had installed the Elven Map Redux as well. So, I uninstalled it, and it made no difference. I reinstalled DarkUI'd DarN completely, to no avail. I'll admit that I even attempted to convert the OMOD to 7zip and manual install, but an hour's worth of effort gave me nothing but aggravation, only to find the same issue. I re-installed the OMOD again, with Elven Map Redux, painstakingly following the readmes. I installed using Complete and Custom installs for DarkUI'd DarN, and using OBMM for ArchiveInvalidation. I've never seen this before, and no forum has yielded any similar issue!

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I actually had a similar issue when I downloaded the overhaul OWC-ND, the custom UI from that mod left me with a world map that was stretched out and wouldn't move more than an inch or so leaving me with a few icons and no real map, just a bunch of random colored lines. After searching the files on TESnexus I found a set of maps http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32006 found here. After downloading and installing those, my maps were fixed and I went on my merry adventuring way.
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Which omod are you installing for DarkUI'd DarN?


Version 1.6, pretty sure it's the latest, and is what I've successfully used before.

This was my DL: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11280


After searching the files on TESnexus I found a set of maps http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=32006 found here.


Interesting. I have OWC - not sure if it's New Dimension or not - because I have a full FCOM, but, I also had FCOM on my old comp, and both DarkUI'd DarN and Elven Map, and never saw this problem. I'll try Buddha's map, it looks similar enough to EMR.



As an aside, I DID just read something interesting from the Nexus page for the OMOD version...

...includes a DarkUI-ified Main Menu Video and Map-Scroll Video by Fritzdog. This also fixes tiling issues with the textures in the map and inventory screens, as thanks to the amazing work of Brumbek and Belinda.


Notice: These videos, due to space restrictions, are only in the manual version. If you want these DarkUI'd default videos, download the manual version and move the files in the video folder, or download them here


DL'ing Frizdog's vids now (I was wondering why my Main Menu was just red...).


edit: "DL'ing Frizdog's vids" = no worky

Edited by storminmormon
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