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Radiation in all Worldspace Cells


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After playing with DUST and Gas Masks of the World I felt that something was lacking. Something that would actually force me to wear a gas mask if I went outside, like what you experience in the METRO games. Would it be possible to use enough radiation markers to cover all of the wasteland with radiation? How would one go on about that?

Edited by Yoshh
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Someone already made a mod to put radiation everywhere. Sorry, I don't recall the name or author. Hopefully it will come up if you do search.


I'm not sure if they added radmarkers everywhere or if they did it some other way. I suspect that they did it some other way since you'd need to add an ungodly number of radmarkers. The world is a 64 x 64 grid of cells, so even if you can get away with one radmarker per cell you're talking 4096 radmarkers, minus a few hundred for inaccessible areas.

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I'll have to do a deeper search. Radiation as mod title doesn't come up with anything useful. As for the radmarkers, I'm assuming it can't carry over to other cells. That would be really useful if it did.

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You're awesome, devin. I'll give it a go and see how balanced the rads are in a DUST setting.Am I right assuming you only made the background radiation be applied when you're in exterior cells?

Edited by Yoshh
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You're awesome, devin. I'll give it a go and see how balanced the rads are in a DUST setting.Am I right assuming you only made the background radiation be applied when you're in exterior cells?

I'm not sure, it was a while ago, but we have a isInInterior function to filter out interior cells, so it's no problem to add if the mod doesn't have it. I can take a look when I get home this evening.

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OK edited this one to exclude interior cells. 1 rad per 10 seconds, but it can be changed to whatever, or a msg box could be made to let the player decide teh amount. It's added via script so I'm not sure if rad resistance would apply (I'd guess not), but if it's needed for realism, I'd guess a base effect could be used (like for ingestibles).

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