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This is a mod... for the ladies.


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So... You don't like the idea of this mod, won't be using it, and other than those 2 things have nothing to say about it whatsoever. What was the point of your post again?


I seriously wish there was a like button here somewhere...


Also, you could include the option to "train" him. Like, ask him to be stealthy, go guns blazing (covering fire) or shoot like a sniper. The more he continues in a given training, he gets more proficient in that particular mode while simultaneously losing training in other modes. For example, you ask him to be stealthy (this could also affect his clothing/weapon choices btw) for a long time and then suddenly ask him to be a sniper, his aim would be awful, lesser damage etc.. coz he hasnt sniped for a long time. As he spend more time in sniper mode, he gets better, but gets worse is stealth mode. Know what I mean?

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Speak of the Devil, Im actually trying to create something here like Quetzlsacatanango has stated.


Since llamaRCA has done a fantastic job with Willow, I thought I'd have a whack at it with Travis.


Just several snags with Master File thingies and such.


If you wish, view the thread here:




Travis is a neutral faction guy who is a advanced Wheel based companion who will be Voiced by myself and my British charm (as if)


I just wanna take a whack at it.


The templete is from the Amigo Cafe mod.

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inane post





Also, you could include the option to "train" him. Like, ask him to be stealthy, go guns blazing (covering fire) or shoot like a sniper.


*wheeze* The innuendo...I just *goes away*


I'm going to get banned one day for being mouthy and inappropriate. I can't help but respond when I am notified that this topic has been updated.


Q, I want to draw concept art. Can I draw you some hawt mans? No idea what he's supposed to look like but I'm in a sketching type of mood lately. (look, I'm on topic).

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Odile: *laughs hysterically 'til she falls out of her chair* Oh my God... I didn't catch that until you pointed it out. And even then, I had to go re-read it. Then I fell out of my chair in a laughing fit. Congratulations, Odile, you are actually far more immature and perverted that I am. I didn't think it was possible.


Anyway, I still think finding him at Boulder City is a good idea. It's fairly early in the game. Plus, depending on how you solve Boulder City Showdown, Dudemanbro''ll either be slightly impressed by your negotiation skills, or slightly impressed that you slaughtered a bunch of Great Khans, a gang well-known for not going down easily.


I can totally imagine my Courier and Dudemanbro getting along like a bickering married couple. Then they get in a fight so heated that they just end up making out. >X3

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If you make a male companion i will love you forever. And ever.


All I ask is that they look... handsome. :) And before you ask, yes, I am a male, and yes, I like handsome men. Just to get that out of the way.


I would LOVE to help you out all I can with this. I cannot do modeling or any actual mod work, but... I can offer opinions and help writing-wise. And if you make a multi-person quest I can voice act. But not for the main guy, that would be frightening.


Anyway... I like the story idea. But you geared it towards women, though I assume it will be the same for men as well. I hope, anyway. I want a male companion that doesn't play favorites here. >:u


So... as for MEN, perhaps he wants to entice you (you being a male courier) into the cave to attack and kill you, to prove your worth to the Legion or whatever. Whenever he knocks you out he realizes you have a lot more strength, weapons, etc. than he thought. Before you two can fight, you are attacked by the Legion. Here you show your worth to HIM by helping him fight off the Legion. And through text choices after that you can either go romantic or friendly, and move on from there. Of course, I don't imagine him being like "oh other male yes let us ride off into the moonlight together" so it'd be somewhat comical at first to get him to go down that path.


But it would be amazing none-the-less.

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Well... handsome is in the eye of the beholder I suppose. He has a face already. Nivea made his face (though I have tweaked it just a bit :) thanks Niv), so you can look at the screens of her PC to get the general idea. Girls seem to think he is dreamy. What your opinion will be, I couldn't say. He doesn't look like your run of the mill teen heartthrob, that I can say.

I'm not planning on writing him in any specific man on man tendencies, but I'm not going to write it out either. I will let you read it how you like.

I think I have decided where he will be found. Beyond that, I'm not sure yet.

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Wait. Are you talking about the face in the first and second pictures or the face in the third picture?


I LOVE the third picture. The other two not so much. Not big on tattoos and piercings. A few are okay... but yeah.


Also RAH at not catering to my needs. -acts like child-

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I think you have the wrong idea, thats my main character not the companion. What Q was saying is that my main character is a good SAMPLE of my TEXTURE work, as in some people think my work is good.

He has no face piercings, and the tattoos he does have look nothing like my character who has very a large tattoo.


Besides, if you really like a companion you can always very very very easly change his textures to somthing without tattoo or scars. Its easy, just a few seconds in Geck and bam done.

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