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Opinions of Shivering Isles?


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When i first started playing, i wasn't too into it, mainly, because i thought that the map was too small, meaning that there wasn't a lot of space to explore.


But after a while, it started getting good, and i notice a lot of similarities betwixt the dark aspects of real life, as well as the game.


I thought that a lot of NPC's were idiots, like Cutter, but i also find it interesting that Shivering Isles has added the darker aspects of Plain Cruelty (See the 'Mother' or the Gatekeeper.) as well as Suicide (a main quest character commits suicide, and there is also a hill dedicated to suicide victims.


It is also interesting, that now there aren't really any easy alternatives to being 100% good, meaning that every quest has a 'bad path and a good path', like in Morrowind. (See the missalaneous quest offered to you by an NPC near the Statue in Crucible, that makes you be 'cruel', if you take it.)



Even though i feel it was a bit too short, and that the walkthroughs online should include those for the Non-Main Quests Quests, it was still a great game


And what do you guys think?

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About the same actually, good game, bit short. Still a good story and some funny things (like the growing graveyard).


Still, I think New Sheoth could be better, I didn't like it that much as any of the cities in Cyrodiil (except maybe for Bruma).





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